I got on the ferry at 5:30 due to a volume delay (I’d been aiming for 4), and cleared my door at home at precisely 9 pm. I then drew a bath and contemplated my weekend past including all the movies, teed up a date with the Luddite for next week, and talked to another friend on the phone for a bit. Then we went gah! it’s 11 pm and we both gotta work tomorrow, and so to bed. It’s Presidents Day so the phone should be slow. I have a pretty bad cough; there’s been a doozy going round the office.
My aunt Mary picked me up a copy of Eric Frank Russell’s WASP, a book so full of richness that I re-read it at least every couple of years, and have done so since I was about 11. Wonderful book. When I write, I try really hard to write like Eric Frank Russell.