9 thoughts on “Squee squee SQUEE”

  1. I am thrilled for you, at that possibility. But WHY are they remaking that movie? Have they run totally out of original ideas? Any takers on this bet? “There will be violence. ” And there was hardly any in the original…

  2. Gerald, I had no idea you liked science fiction! Come up and see me some time! Extra points for naming the movie from which that is a quote, even though it’s not science fiction.

  3. Duh, its from the day the earth stood still. It was really great watching patricia neale try to keep a straight face while she said it.

  4. Well, you don’t have to worry about Keanu Reeves keeping a straight face – he’d have a blessed hard time doing anything else.

  5. Duh, Loki, I meant the OTHER quote, the one that invited starkg to come up and see my etchings …er ..science fiction some time.

  6. Anyway, I feel that The Day the Earth Stood Still is without question, one of the best sci-fi films ever! I just hope the remake doesn’t let too much CGI get in the way of portraying the message brought out in the original.

    By the way, you’ll remember that is was the quote from Patricia Neale that prevented Gort the robot from making mince-meat out of not only her but the entire planet.

  7. I think that it was from she done him wrong, and i think that the actual quote was why don’t you come up and see me!

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