5 thoughts on “Yikes”

  1. Sorry, I’m laughing and I know I shouldn’t be, BUT after the 6′ to 8′ on our front lawn, it stands to reason that Vancouver would receive some of this anomolous weather. Is this a photo on your street, i.e. your house looks pretty much like the white house across the street?

  2. It’s pretty typical for the neighbourhood, and yes, I DID post it so you could laugh. You too Gerald.

  3. Call from a Saskatchewan cousin last night – 25 cm more expected overnight. The few flakes we had here recently could hardly be called snow – they looked like snow coming down but they landed as rain. I won’t say I MISS snow, but having to shovel cherry blossoms off the driveway does not trump six feet of snow on the level in almost-April, as is the case in a lot of Ontario.

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