One thought on “Mad yet?”

  1. I related with the writer, it could be impossible to create an accurate population list from which to sample. So, the best that can be done is to give a flavour of what’s going on out there with the homeless.

    Here our chief of police said that over 95% of downtown crime is due to addicts looking for money for their next fix. He plans to open a 30-day facility to replace the overnight “drunk tank”. His reasoning seems intact (I wish I could remember how many beds are in this new facility) as it will cut down on crime in the downtown core, keep the homeless off the street for 30 days and provide a chance for assessment and follow-up programs.

    The second tier of his project is to get the dealers off the street and into jail. This came as a response from my question as to what they were going to do with the fact that kids in affluent Kanata Lakes are throwing parties in their parents home with a wide range of drugs laid out for our 12-15 year old children to use. By the way, the drop out rate is atrocious, some of these kids have babies and are managing to get by on welfare while continuing their drug use — I see this as creating a vicious circle. To give the police their due, police have a anti-drug school program operating.

    Also, the afflicted students above are not strangers, some are Jenn’s friends, some I have had in my home, I do care what is happening to their lives and I am definately saddened by it.

    I also have a schizophrenic brother who is kept off the streets by constant intervention by my parents — so that he is either in a Psychiatric facility or a monitored group home and taking his meds. So when I see the homeless I see real people struggling to get by from one day to the next.

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