Quiet evening

leftovers and Beowulf…. 2/3rds of a good movie.  I know the original poem didn’t know its accent from its ass (to quote the charming Bill Burroughs) although I didn’t know, until I read the wikipedia article, that some people think the whole poem’s a fraud and wasn’t even written until the 16th century, as that’s when the manuscript miraculously turned up; the accents in the soundtrack come from everywhere in the northern world at that point, which wouldn’t have been too different from real life, when there was a lot of travelling across the northern sea.  I didn’t find the accents as weirding as some critics did; I guess after reading Dunnett’s King Hereafter I was prepared to hear just about anything.

Loved the monster Grendel.  The script was interesting in spots but mostly so pedestrian that I wanted to slap somebody.