
Some female is posting her marital grievances on Youtube.

I keep tripping over it on the inertnest (click here and see this), and I’m just not going to go there.  I won’t watch it, I won’t comment on it.  I just really don’t know how many more apocalyptic signs we’re supposed to absorb before whatever happens happens, y’know?
I am Legend is playing, and you know, I just can’t deal with these critters always jumping out at Will so I’m playing on my computer instead.  It’s not a bad movie, I just am jumpy right now.

Quiet evening

I sure am lucky about my workplace.  I had an interesting day yesterday; I made Francis stand on something to find out where a serial number was; I almost called a customer a racist (this in response to not trusting factory trained repair personnel in furrin parts); I almost sicced HR on my boss (it’s all good, and I merely wish I could cross post the email because I think it’s one of the funniest – and tersest – I ever sent); and LTGW one-upped me in the anecdote department.  I didn’t think anything could top looking after the disposal of a companion animal, but evidently I was wrong.  Any evening that involves ICBC and the cops must by necessity suck worse than mine…

Anyway, I was ready for a quiet evening when I got home, and I “cooked” weiners and we watched No Country for Old Men. Yes, there are nights when my cooking is not exactly meat and two veg, unless you count ketchup and relish.
I liked the movie, but I told my mother not to watch it.  Violence, you know.