Except given the hellacious heat, it was beer. I left from work and hung out until around 10 – we also did some practical stuff which will make for better edits on the memorial site and I sang her my new song. I also in my severely chatty way went through yet more partial lists of stuff to do on my time off. At this rate I’ll be so busy describing what I want to do I won’t get anything done. And I got Judith’s email so I can start talking to her about a memorial service at Worldcon (Anticipation). Montreal in August, god o god.
I think the trick will be getting up every morning, looking at the job list, figuring out what I FEEL like doing that day, and devoting at least four hours to it. I’ll let you know how I make out.
Carrie has a place to live on the Island, which is great because she was running out of time to locate something and now she can concentrate on living instead of finding a place for her RV. She finished up most of the packing, and now it’s just making sure as much stuff goes in boxes as can.
I am not sleeping well. The heat was oppressive.