3 thoughts on “what a great story”

  1. Definitely at the top of the list of fascinating posts. I wish I had the computer smarts to pull something like this off. What an awesome challenge it would be — whichever side I was on.

  2. There is a formal structure for vanishing – a witness protection program. From various things I have read, it doesn’t work too well. People get bored, they get lonely – just like this lad. And they blow it. His experience is, I think, an essay on the influence of evolution. We evolved to live in groups. Lacking tooth and claw, we need smarts and the protection of the tribe to survive. Two million years – more – of programming doesn’t get wiped out by a decision by an individual to eschew the protection of/connection with the tribe.

    Nevertheless – fascinating.

  3. Think how much easier it is for a sociopath to disappear. Since he (or she) isn’t wired for companionship for its own sake, but for companionship for what you can get, you can pick up people to use anywhere you go.

    I was watching a tv program about a female sociopath who stole a bunch of identities. She was SO convincing, I know why all those people fell for her.

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