Only someone who’s a destiel / SPN fan will get this

found this on the bpdfamily dot com website and I AM HOWLING


IT’S LIKE ALL MY FANFIC CAME TO LIFE. All my fanfic is about hot guys navigating their way toward sex while negotiating life partnership agreements BECAUSE THE REUNIFICATION OF THE COUPLE AFTER DUMBASSERY dadgum HAPPENED AGAIN, did you miss it, sorry, (furtive sounds that might be regret) anyway it’s all a bog standard thing, but I’ve been hit by that lightning a few times and it isn’t difficult for me to recreate the hopeful, lustful feeling of anticipation tinged with panic that is the beginning of a returned interest.

anyway, it’s a stupid subset of a ludicrous fandom, and be happy I’m not more locavore about it, I could have been haunting locations all this time, as if my feet would let me. Although I suppose in those hiking boots I bought for Iceland… why do I go there.

You see how lonely people can get to thinking sour thoughts with all the angry voices boinging around with them in their cells, and slowly start to go off the rails.

I’m not lonely, I talked to Mike and Tammy today.

You gotta hustle when your friends live in different time zones. Tammy lives in Toronto, Mike has this timezone called ‘work’ and it is filed under my ‘amorphous blob of time zones’ theory.

I am supposed to make more masks.