Phở and the Disney Princess

Paul and I were walking in the Foreshore Park and out by the place we normally turn and come back I noted that we were surrounded by very noisy and active chickadees. They divebombed Paul and I laughed at him and said, “Time for your Disney Princess moment.”

I slowly extended my left index finger and a chickadee landed on it. Then another chickadee booted the first one off in a flurry of wings and chitters. Then I apologized for not having food. They followed us for about half a k, the lil devils.

I asked Paul to take me to Phở afterward and he did (I offered to pay but he declined.)

He and Janice have broken up. He’s very unhappy but quite understandably not willing to talk about it except in very general terms. He’s dating someone in Gibson’s now and I said if he’s going up there to let me know, I wouldn’t mind meeting up with Laurel.

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Born when atmospheric carbon was 316 PPM. Settled on MST country since 1997. Parent, grandparent.

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