Now Who’s Crazy Now….

Elly Litvak, my oldest friend currently living in Vancouver, had a successful one woman show in North Van on January 10th. I had something else scheduled, and due to the weather I didn’t even make that, but Mazel Tov! It was standing room only and I’m very proud. Check out her website in the blogroll to the right…. Kudos also to her partner Doug Hersak for his assistance!

Katie’s home

Katie turned up around 5 this morning, looking just fine. She was at a friend’s house a couple of blocks away. She was about to go back to bed and I asked her when she was getting up in the morning and she said 9, and I said, Hunh? You don’t have to work until 5 pm today!

She looked at her schedule and acknowledged that she was having a little temporal difficulty.

Now that I can actually concentrate rather than being entirely freaked out all the time, I plan on having a great weekend, starting with a massage tonight, and then a friend’s birthday party tomorrow, and then lots, and lots of packing and dejunking. That part is a little harder to be enthusiastic about.

In happy family news, Paul has a great niece named Ava and Jesse sent us pix. She must have been scant days old in the family picture they sent, just a wee little mite; we are happy to welcome Ava to the family.

Paparazzi free zone

Until this morning, when I learned of the existence of Kate Middleton, I didn’t know where the term paparazzi came from. It came from the name of a photographer in Fellini’s La Dolce Vita who was in turn named after a school chum whose nickname was Paparazzo – “Mosquito”.

Kate Middleton is somebody or other’s girlfriend, and as far as I know, she doesn’t have a blog. She doesn’t have to, with half the scurvy press outside her door.

Continue reading Paparazzi free zone

New recipe

Four dry cups tricolori noodles, boiled and drained

2 – 4 chicken breasts minced (I used a food processor)

Basil, parsley, garlic, black pepper, a leedle bit salt

Cheese sauce (about a cup of grated cheese, flour, butter) – make it runny

Can mushrooms

Assemble in casserole dish, slap on lid and cook for an hour at 350 F

Yummy. Intensely foodlike, and a definite step up from KD.