Note to self…

I should get up earlier.  I had to let 3 buses go by at Production station; once I got on the jam packed bus, I had the discomfiting experience of having someone gently – and entirely unintentionally – move the edge of her handbag up and down my ass crack the entire way up Gaglardi hill.  I spent the endless minutes thinking of exactly the right thing to say; it was all I could do not to burst out laughing.

The Gr33ks, they are a crazy bunch

So there’s this bunch of retired academics and all round nutters who want to revive the worship of the ancient Gr33k gods. Okay, I’m jiggy with that. The Gr33k government is not cool with letting them run around millennial monuments with torches and pseudo high priestesses. Sounds about right so far. The Greek Orthodox Church, to which something like 97 percent of the modern Greek population is alleged to adhere, is really not okay with it at all. Okay, NOW I smell either an indie movie or a really hilarious docudrama.

Off for a massage and I surely need one

Don’t you wish he’d been your teacher?

If you don’t want a teacher, go here.

The West Coast School of Massage has inexpensive massages as part of the practicum work. I have a 9 am appointment so I’m going to have a shower (and a good thing, too…) and then somebody is going to put warm rocks on me. mOm says she had one of those and it wasn’t anything special, but to me it sounds like an incredible idea. Katie had one and it was much appreciated.

Speaking of Katie, she’s back with Daxus. Keith, Dr Filk and I all tried to intervene, and she spent 20 minutes listening to why she should not go, like, “He tried to kill you last November, remember?” but she loves him, and off she goes. So, if she gets into the newspapers in an obituary kinda way, I don’t want to hear anything about how I should have done more to stop her; I’m already stressing pretty hard on this. When people are quite cheerful about how they are making a bad decision, what do you do? Dr. Filk said, “You’ll be sorry!” and Katie said, “I’m already sorry,” and then Dr. Filk said, “You’ll be sorrier!” and she said, “I know”. Daxus doesn’t read my blog, thank god, and if he did, he’d just tell me to mind my own business, which is what he’s done any time I’ve called him on his bad behaviour. Paul said that he’s toying with us, but I’m not sure he gives us any thought at all, good or bad.

As soon as I can actually move and bend again (the charley horse is better but I’m still moving like, in the lovely Blackadder phrase, an asthmatic ant with some heavy shopping) I’ll be packing some more. I’m hoping to be out of here April 1st and even if I’m still here I need to dejunk in the worst way. What remains to be determined is how many of my housemates are coming with. Many things are not clear at the moment.

Woke up this morning to crunching noises

The slush on the street has frozen; I could hear tires scrabbling their way through it, especially in the big pile of frozen slush at the end of the alleyway.

Yesterday morning a young neighbour was looking for a cd and trying to drive at the same time and he ended up with two wheels in the ditch, leaning up against the south fence and retaining wall.  I was tempted to take a picture but I think that would have added to his discomfort, so I restrained myself.

Lindsay Lohan’s in rehab.   So, to answer your question, Weird Al…  (from White and Nerdy)….

She needs to be in rehab, mkay?

Much better

I’m still a-limpin’ and a-gimpin’, but I think I’m mobile enough to go to work. I took a ton of calcium, as people told me that was the likely problem, and who knows if it helped, but I feel much better and I slept okay. I didn’t actually make it to the doctor, but if you know what the weather was like yesterday you won’t be too surprised. And besides, both of the kids were here yesterday and we actually had a very mellow day.

I made bean soup yesterday. That will allow me to more fully express myself today, what with the MSM and glucosamine and all. And don’t forget the beer.

Somebody’s doing a documentary about Harlan Ellison. That’s special. Want to see Harlan read a story?

The hands on the nuclear clock moved. China’s doing Star Wars stuff… The Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty is up in 2009 and what with all the threatening noises being made by Russia, Iran, North Korea and our neighbors to the south, it’s hard to feel like the future is a glorious place. (It’s even harder when you’re experiencing chronic pain, too.) I am reminded of the deathless lines from “A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum”….

“For us, there will never be happiness!”

“We must learn to be happy without it.”

Bucketing snow, raining pain

And Stephen Harper is my country’s Prime Minister.  I suppose it could be worse; Mugabe or somesuch.

I am experiencing almost the same amount of pain and hobbling as I did when I first sproinged my L5S1.  Truly, it’s remarkable.  I’m off to the clinic later to see if I can get some painkillers; sleep last night was a chimerical thing.  They specifically tell you NOT to point your toes when you have this kind of muscle meshugas, but the only way I could sleep was on my stomach with my toes pointed.  I’ve called in sick and I am supposed to have a scheduled vacation day tomorrow but there’s some really weird stuff happening at work that I think I’d prefer to be there to see, and it’s Mr. Clean’s last day before a month of leave, so we prob’ly have to do the download thing.

Onelegwest is staying on until February, Hurrah.   So the Lunch Bunch Mark IV will not be sundered as soon as I feared.

I’m 17 days off cigarettes.  I’ve had two bouts of cravings, both easily managed.

Kira is watching it snow with a look of utmost distaste and a very subdued twitching of her tail. Vis is down to about an eighth of a mile.