Don’t make predictions

Michael Ruppert has issued a warning that the balloon is about to go up on the American economy. He says the rush to unload American dollars will happen so fast that the pundits will be left gasping like codfish. Nothing would surprise me at this point. He said something I didn’t know, though. On September 9th this past year the US Govt held it’s normal Tbill auction… and nobody showed up to buy. The US is currently importing about 2.6 billion a day just to keep its economy afloat. Given that American consumers are at the highest level of personal indebtedness in history and the credit card companies have already started jacking the rates, what will happen when the interest rates go up? The consumers will get pinned on housing and debt servicing charges, and bankruptcy will ripple through the economy like a tidal wave viewed from space. It’s time to get closer to your food supply, folks.


2019 says: Michael Ruppert’s dead. None of this shit came to pass.

trip to southron office

Almost forgot to blog this am, which probably would have annoyed my mother. I’m off to rent a car and pick up a coworker to drive to the sister office in the US. I haven’t done anything wrong, and I still feel like I’m a smuggler when I cross the border. It’s so dumb, and I can’t help it.

Anyway, I am really looking forward to it. I’m going to have a fairly long day today but the results should be worth it. The car better have a cd player, I told my coworker to bring the tunes…. more later.

Thoroughly nasty nightmare last night, woke Paul up for a change. Won’t describe it except to say that there was a lot of violence and insanity.

Came home and found Katie out cold on the sofa. She woke up just long enough to tell me what to cook her for supper. I know I don’t miss being a teenager, but maybe it’s because if I’d tried to order my mother around in quite that fashion my pater would have given me what fer.

Off to the sister office tomorrow so will be blogging from the road again.

Spoke to Jan (previously referred to as Vampire Mamma in this blog) this am, in my frantic efforts to locate bed space for my family for my visit to Toronto. Then Paul called and told me we’ll just buy bedding and foamies for Tammy and then we can all stay in the same place. If she’ll have us! We won’t be there for the whole time, thank god. Must remember to show up with massive groceries, it’s quite the undertaking to have that many people over. The worst thing about the visit is that subgroups of the people I want to see loathe each other (in that icy, cordial Canadian way – ie I wouldn’t refuse to loan you jumper cables, but you’d better say thanks and mess off when you’re done kinda thing.)

This means that a lot of my visiting will be rather truncated, because Paul doesn’t feel welcomed by some people, and various of people’s spouses loathe me, and the kids can’t deal with some people, and this next phrase deleted even if the person it’s aimed at never reads it. Of course, will I see the people I really want to? For long enough? Unlikely. But I have a list.

I have lots of other stuff to say, but it’s time to run away to work.