Spent the evening with Kopper and was in such an exalted state upon my return to my apartment that I couldn’t sleep. Do you suppose the exercise helped? Maybe it was the second dinner?
I composed a six minute comedy routine, recited it thrice through and spoke it into my digital recorder. All hail Lady Miss Banjola for reminding me I had one. Then I woke up with two bizarre things going on simultaneously in my cranium; I woke up dreaming that Mike was crossing from dream life into real life with me as I awoke (I was in full combat gear, and he was in civvies, carrying a package). I was point and as I came around I was going to let him have it with this extremely fine weapon I was carrying and he just grinned and said, “You won’t need that.”
At the same time a really pretty chorus was ringing in my head. In four part harmony. I mean ringing. I couldn’t get out of bed until I’d memorized it, and now I’m going to sing it into Garage Band, much to the disgust of my neighbours as I imagine.
That was a hell of a talk, girl.
Later…. This helped too.