4 thoughts on “Kitteh in Zero G.”

  1. There is no way in hell Kitteh is having fun. However, I have to assume, since it didn’t puke pee or poop, that it was at least in control of its faculties and not blind scared. Mind you, a vehemently peeing cat rotating at 180 RPM would be really funny if you weren’t on the receiving end.

  2. I vote for terrified. There was a point when the animal stabilized itself for an instant by clawing onto the knee of one of its torturers. I hope that person got a really bad infection.
    Puts me in mind of a Robert Heinlein story (Waldo, Inc.) in which among other things RAH explores how animals would react to microgravity. Case in point was a canary. The bird had been hatched in microgravity after its kin had all died of shock trying to deal with the uselessness of their gravity-bound instincts and skills. This canary got about the station by pushing off with its feet and using its wings for brakes. Wings otherwise were folded. Looked like a yellow bullet when going from here to there.
    About half of the people riding the Vomit Comet – vomit. That isn’t shown, of course. And they have been prepared mentally for the experience. That cat – wasn’t. Cruelty to animals.

  3. Yeah, I was kind of feeling for the cat too wondering if it could possibly be enjoying this. Interesting story regarding the canary.

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