Three movies.

OMG I just say On Her Majesty’s Secret Service for the first time. I didn’t realize that George Lazenby stepped in when Sean Connery bailed after the second Bond. Basically, my review equals a thumbs up and I want to see it again eventually – Diana Rigg is radiant. George just looks (inner lawyer has s-canned that comment) uh, can’t say that either. How about he’s maler than Roger Moore and less male than Timothy Dalton. Nothing, of course, outmales Sean Connery. I trust this clears things up.

Also saw Director’s Cut of Blade Runner.

The soundtrack is like an animal at bay; the colours have been refreshed and cleansed, leaving the movie still dark but with dreamlike spots of brightness. They got rid of that cornball ending, the movie makes more narrative sense and the performances are still riveting. About half an hour into the movie you stop saying – and there’s another and another and another SF / anime trope. It’s like a waterfall of tropes. It’s a visually sumptuous brainstretcher of a film.
Also saw All The Real Girls.

Picture every undereducated duckwit you ever met. Colour him ‘asshole’. Watch him struggle – usually without success – to become a better person. Nobody dies and he smartens up about one quarter of one percent. Still, it’s progress, right?

In a couple of places, this movie made me so mad, that I had to chase down the source of this unreasonable burst of biliousness. After a brief cogitation, I figured out what made me so irritable and calmed down. I’m not married any more, I’m not married any more. I never have to be mad again if I choose not to be. I’m sure I will be, especially when I’m driving, or back seat driving, but really, I don’t have to experience all the wackiness of hormones and digestion that goes with being mad. It was quite a thought provoking movie. It made me think a lot about female stupidity and male abuse.

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Born when atmospheric carbon was 316 PPM. Settled on MST country since 1997. Parent, grandparent.

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