Oooh, a Lego Ezra Pound

Man, he was hotter than a two dollar pistol when he was young.  And yes, he was a foul racist blatherer sometimes with skewed up ideas about economics, but he was a damned fine poet.  I can’t remember where I scanged this from.

I’m off to see Persepolis this aft with Keith, and afterwards I’m calling daughter Katie and dragging her over here for a massage.  She sounds beat, baffed, bent, bewildered and entirely tharn. 

In Case of Emergency

I was reading Lifehacker about six months ago and it advised to put “In Case of Emergency” in your phone (which I did).  Debbie has sent me an email reminder to do this, so I’m letting everybody know.

If you carry a phone, put a number in called ‘in case of emergency’ and have it point to whoever on you contact list you would want contacted in case your phone was conscious and you weren’t.   This has been a public service announcement care of Debbie.  Thanks y’all.