It’s all bout the timing

I wuz feeling all sad and bent out of shape (mostly because I want the moving faeries to deal with my packing) and the Luddite phoned and announced that he was going bike shopping with me tomorrow and all of a sudden I felt much better. I am not sure how he does it, but he has a real talent for communicating with me when I want to hear from him, and a priceless ability to leave me alone the rest of the time.  So I will have plenty of time to commune with cats and do a small grocery shop tomorrow (I brought the bundle buggy) so there will be food in the fridge when Jeff gets home, but I will also with any luck have a bicycle by this time tomorrow.

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Born when atmospheric carbon was 316 PPM. Settled on MST country since 1997. Parent, grandparent.

2 thoughts on “It’s all bout the timing”

  1. A bicycling is a really good form of exercise. Good cardio workout and does a nice job of shaping the abs, but and legs!! Glad you have friends that have the knack of inviting you to go out just when you need it. I’m sure you are sick of moving though. No wonder you are not motivated to pack.

  2. There’s not much the Luddite doesn’t know about bikes and he’s also aware of my back issues so he’ll make sure I get something comfy. What I really want is a trailerable bike but we shall see. I am so looking forward to this… I also want to see where he works. My reputation precedes me… I gave him biscotti to take into work…;)

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