ahhhhh, Baumfest

Well, another Baumfest has come and gone, and it had the same combination of grace, rowdiness, drunken declarations of undying love, music and yummy foods and beverages as have characterized all such. To my delight, I was not the only musician; JimE and Mike brought guitars.  Attendees included our hosts Rob&Char and their stunning offspring, Arden (3 years old and an amazing photographer already) and Elise who is not quite two and, frankly, I don’t remember Katie even being that cute; their old friend Wally in his elderly orange VW camper van; Megan, Sergey and Ariel (who is a gorgeous young woman); Jarmo and Ville, Eric and Kevin (being the crew for the last Voyage to Victoria, blogs passim); Char’s sis Barb and her partner Kate who made breakfast and thank you so much; a former coworker of Rob and Char’s and her beautiful young family whose names escape but their children were charmingly behaved; Brian C and Tom U who came late and left at about 3:30, but there was really no point hanging around after the oxygen bottles were empty anyway.  Yeah, there’s a story.  No, I don’t think there are pictures.  I sang  the hymn, I saw an Iridium flare, others saw a meteorite, and I have to admit that of all the things you can huff, I think I like oxygen best.  It’s amazing how perky you feel after a couple of good deep snorts of 02.  Thanks to our hosts for doing what they do best, which is set fire to a big pile of wood and let their friends sit around and admire it, while singing, laughing, talking, eating and communing with stars and trees.  Oh, and there was also dancing which I averted my gaze from as I was entirely convinced we were going to roast somebody. I slept like a cat.  Thanks to Jarmo for Deet, and everybody else for their participation in what is truly one of the best house parties / campouts / most fun you can have while being kid-friendly blowouts in history.

In other news, Katie is spending a week in Victoria on no notice, from which you may infer what you like.  It’s not like it’s boring over there; Gadget House is crawling with rellies, including Hungry Hungry Darwin, whose feeding habits continue to break global records by all accounts.  Given our family history of food sensitivities I can’t imagine introducing him to solids early, but by god it must be a temptation.

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Born when atmospheric carbon was 316 PPM. Settled on MST country since 1997. Parent, grandparent.

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