in no particular order, 100 people and things I am thankful for

Below the cut…

  1. line dried sheets
  2. fireworks
  3. Wreck Beach
  4. my brother
  5. Miss Margot
  6. Keith
  7. Kate
  8. my parents
  9. Dorothy Dunnett
  10. electricity
  11. running water
  12. indoor plumbing
  13. pines
  14. the internet
  15. the nice cool tiles on the kitchen floor
  16. solid wood furniture
  17. the colour of the sky late in the evening in the summer
  18. thunderstorms
  19. knowing John
  20. Leo giving me my first guitar
  21. Red Deer Lodge
  22. Eddie and Gizmo
  23. Enzyme soak for when the cats have ‘accidents’
  24. my decade plus at ‘the big X’
  25. Granny
  26. the Inuit hunters mom made
  27. the art work “Suspended Animation”
  28. being able to take a year off
  29. chocolate
  30. painkillers
  31. Paul
  32. my landpeers
  33. Peggy and Tom
  34. paper
  35. a comfy place to sleep
  36. musical instruments
  37. air conditioning
  38. space exploration
  39. Hubble
  40. David Attenborough
  41. Unitarianism
  42. my gift for music
  43. my senses
  44. Mrs. Dauphinee
  45. BC Medical Services Plan
  46. Mike
  47. convertibles
  48. SF and Fantasy
  49. plesiosaurs
  50. Doug and L.E.
  51. back decks
  52. feeling safe
  53. wheat
  54. cheese
  55. eggs
  56. Santa Cruz Organic soda
  57. Robof9
  58. Patricia
  59. being able to express myself in writing
  60. having an antiquarian as an ancestor
  61. Doug Bain
  62. filk
  63. cinnamon
  64. coffee
  65. blackberry jelly
  66. Mel Blanc
  67. driftwood
  68. orcas
  69. airplanes
  70. roses
  71. snow
  72. the aurora
  73. knowing I have a large circle of friends and family who care about me and show it
  74. time lapse photography
  75. mashups
  76. anarchism
  77. the meditations of Marcus Aurelius (and all the Stoics, really)
  78. Patrick O’Brian
  79. Robot Chicken
  80. Paris
  81. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
  82. my MacBook
  83. a good, strong immune system
  84. Gilgamesh
  85. my bike
  86. Vancouver’s astounding cuisine
  87. Stanley Park
  88. Burns Bog
  89. Cathedral Grove
  90. Hot Springs Cove
  91. Gabriola
  92. Niagara Falls
  93. my Grampa writing down his life history and me finding out he worked in a chocolate factory
  94. velvet
  95. leather
  96. quilts that other people made
  97. shooting
  98. horses
  99. Bounce
  100. rosemary

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Born when atmospheric carbon was 316 PPM. Settled on MST country since 1997. Parent, grandparent.

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