Oooh, I just had an idea for a tshirt

Believe me, the artwork I’ve made up to go with this makes this even more offensive – and I do it all with line art and print.

When we get to discussing

imaginary friends,

my God’s not a dick.

I thought of another one, but it’s even ruder, and I know mein pOp will thank me for keeping it air.

Another one

Of course I made God in my own image;

we all need a girlfriend with a sense of humour.

Found on a message board, a quote from JoshuaNorton (snerk)

“Lie” isn’t an adequate word for what Republicans say. We need a new term; I propose anti-truth, as in, “There are lies, damned lies, and Republican anti-truths.”

Like matter and anti-matter, Republicans and the truth just can’t occupy the same space. What they say goes all the way through and past “untrue” into the realm of turning reality inside out, tying a knot in it, and yanking hard.

Great evening!

Beloved bossy took us bowling, it was so much fun!  Also, Mike came over afterwards and watched the first two eps of Pioneer.  What a great show; I’d forgotten how good it was just in the last few months.


Tonight, off to practice.

I’m feeding Kira while Paul is gone, but I’m getting the feeling she doesn’t want to be fed.  (She screamed at me when I came through the door and then refused to eat). I got a call from Keith yesterday; they couldn’t get out of the airport on passes because of Jack Layton, if you can believe it.  The party faithful are flying to Ontario on the tail end of a huge weather event and at the end of the summer so everything is jammed as jammed can be.

Nice day

I tried to get my car to a body shop but they must be on vacation or something.  Paul and I went for a walk and then checked out the new gelato place at 6th and 6th in New West (verdict – the blood orange sorbet is FUCKING AMAZING).  Honestly.  It brought tears to my eyes  Unfortunately I had the butter pecan, which was merely and without fanfare, good.

A little more practicing, a hymn sing at Peggy and Tom’s, a pot luck.  The rest of my weekend was very pleasant.



Plums from Derica’s front yard (Paul and I made an expedition).  When I got in this morning, my minion D. provisioned me with blackberry muffins, which combined with Keith’s kickass coffee made a lovely start to my day.  He also described seeing Kevin Smith live last night, along with his new movie Red State, which since it had Melissa Leo in it I was planning on seeing anyway.

Lovely lovely day!  And enough sleep!  And singing tonight with Cindy.  Life is mwah! right now.  And Kat and Kashka are getting married today, swoon.  I hope those lovebirds have a lovely life together.

Haven’t said it publicly recently enough

But I really love my brother.  He is such an amazing guy, and so kind, and so, so funny.

Also, really liking the person Katie is turning into – brave and funny and self-deprecating.  Already really liked Keith, so no new news there…..  It’s very pleasant to like your children and enjoy their company, and even nicer when they still enjoy yours!