Yesterday, a tessellation

Jeff took me out to breakfast. I couldn’t hack a turkey just for the two of us, so it was roast chicken with taters, squash, veg and gravy. Opening (ha, everything was already open and the sound tech had just finished encouraging a rather poopy bird (flicker?) to leave via the window by which it gained entrance) and closing church; excellent service, interacting with the Bean, who is TALKING UP A STORM, finding Tom’s sweatshirt just as I was locking up, identifying it by the sawdust and getting it back to him; taking Carol home, dropping in on Kira-kitty to say hi and finding her so still that at first I thought she was dead (I thought my heart would stop) but she’s just deaf, and promptly got up when she realized I was topping up her dish. Singing and playing the compost song for the minister (I tolja I can write a song about anything); more practicing when I got home. A lovely long phone call with Jan of Courtenay – a brief one with daughter Katie – in all an entirely satisfying day. Ziva’s rooftop was retracted; glorious fall day; almost starting to be creeped out at how I’m starting to think it really should RAIN.