Six hundred words.
I’ve climbed back on the bike, and I’m happy.
Jeff took me to brekkie this morning. Happy sigh.
Six hundred words.
I’ve climbed back on the bike, and I’m happy.
Jeff took me to brekkie this morning. Happy sigh.
Final word count for the day was over 1500 words. (This included editing, since I was ripping adverbs and adjectives out with vigour.) I still have not commenced the new chapters. Also worked on the chapter entitled Exit Interview.
Today a memorial service for a church member and a birthday party for one of my closest friends. I find that often happens to me, two big events in one day; I imagine I’ll be ready to get my drink on by a quarter to five.
We blasted through the rest of the Bojack Horseman season. I really enjoyed it, especially the stuff going on in the background and the non-stop shellacking of all manner of Hollywoo ‘types’.
One of these days I’ll talk about the process, but in the meantime I’ll just say I love Scrivener.
The latest theatre shooting in the States was at a feminist movie and the people who were shot and killed were all women. There IS NO WAR ON WOMEN MOVE ALONG PLEASE. Right wing radio gave him a platform for his hate. And thank you for killing yourself you fucking scumskin, your parents and ex-wife probably got their first night of sleep in ages, despite their grief and horror.