Last night

Planet Bachelor, including Katie, Alex, Paul, Keith and Jeff and me had A FEAST and it was

I always say what the food was so mOm and pOp can enjoy along at home.

Crock pot pork roast with sauerkraut

Green salad (I provided)


Smashed potatoes

steamed cauliflower and carrots


Alex was wonderful, and we had food and fellowship and it was just so wonderful in that quiet “nothing happened but it was everything” kinda way.

I spoke to Mike and invited him. Just not feeling it. But we connected and that counts to me at least.

Spoke to Tammy on the phone today, I will with luck see her next month when she comes to Van over Christmas.


who are all these people

No Mike this weekend, I don’t know whether he’s out of town or what. Normal rules apply… if I don’t hear from him once every two weeks I call him to ask him if he’s dead.

BUT I got the kidlets yesterday. We sat around Planet Bachelor with Alex as he slowly started to get sick. He goes to the bathroom by himself now and announced at 5:30 that he was off to bed. Katie lay down with him.

Keith fetched us Desi Turka food which was yummy and we watched a bunch of Paw Patrol (the theme song to which I loathed immediately, but the show itself isn’t bad) and some Moana and some Rock-a-Doodle and we talked about our favourite shows when we were little.

Alex had sparkly fingernails and toenails.

He complimented me on my red dress. Imagine wearing a red dress because you think your toddler grandson likes the colour and he says I LIKE YOUR RED DRESS GG

and you meeeeeeellllllllt

Katie gave me a lift home. It was a very cheerful little visit, and it was like we were four people all doing our separate thing in the same space, and that was really kinda cool. ALSO Hot Wheels.

It is the continued weirdness

which has continued wyrd. I don’t get it every November, but this is coming on very nicely, although in meatspace this is Jeff checking up to see that I haven’t left doors open and cheese on counters. In other words, perfectly normal. I am distracted with the distraction of (I can’t say what… an internal process… not a bad one) and I’m finally through the course of ulcer drugs and starting to try to digest things again.

Side note. My surface itchiness dropped to almost zero while I was on the antibiotics. Make of that what you will. It’s been heavenly. I feel like I’ve been rolled up in lotion and left at the spa. It’s been fucking awesome. I’m expecting it to all be over shortly, of course.

I had an enormous bowl of organic instant oatmeal. I have to start making my own since this stuff has too much sugar in it. Paul says he gets a special kind and steams it and says that’s Scottish style and I say it’s undercooked. We both can’t be wrong. Part of the fun of oatmeal is the goo in between and having it served as a sort of hot salty dense salad with salt water dressing seems a bit much to me… I suppose I’m out of line casting (the hook appears, thankfully

I have calls to return. I have a group lunch date on Friday next, and possibly a group lunch date Saturday next. I’ve actioned some actionable shit. There’s a load in the laundry.


Calice, tabernac.

Anyhoo, despite the rudeness of the awakening (jest about spat out mer tea when Er saw that E’rm telling yer) I am filled with bubbling happiness. Upsun’s in, Sweep Off is well under way and I’m going to keep churning with the edits since after six fucking months I’m finally in the mood to edit again because what I’m reading no longer seems like dreadful shit.

Read enough fanfic and you’ll DEFINITELY get yourself into the mood to edit the living shit out of everything.

Also, I’ve realized what shifts in English I’m prepared to flow with, and which I’m going to be all Prof. Fussey on and go all “I DIE ON THIS HILL, and possibly on THAT ONE OVER THERE, ok maybe I SHALL OF COURSE CAST MY LOT BEFORE GOD ON… which one of you wiseacres said I should just be calling out the GPS coordinates” on.

Fanfic is interesting that way because some of the things non-native English speakers do is cool and okay by me and other stuff — that’s really common, no matter where she learned English — makes me want to learn magic so I can raise all her ancestors from the dead and stab them to death on a laser guided unicorn horn, in front of her. Just writing out that line made me realize I need therapy but I can hear a series of catcalls from the shadows, starting with most of Paul’s male relatives, when I even put that thought out into the ether. I am a bloodthirsty critter in my fictional selves, and such a mushed-out wuss in the one true self I step around in.

ODDFudbuster But I’m a much happier critter now, possibly healthier and SNOW.


You have been reading some very strange books / you wanna go to hell, but just for one quick look / did you not realize how long you’d have to stay / and all the memories you’d have to take away

I give advice – and I don’t give orders! / You’re gonna fall / you’re gonna rise above it all

The strain that you feel not making trouble for yourself / comes out as strain, strain for someone else / you may try to bar the devil from your door, but / he got in once, and you know he wants more

I give advice – and I don’t give orders! / You’re gonna fall / you’re gonna rise above it all


So anyway I wrote the above noted song after we were living in Amedeo Garden Court, which would be around 1985 or so.

It was really really weird to have it come into my mind yesterday. It matches the Supernatural show. That freaked me out.

Then I remembered how many times I’ve written songs that either came true or acted as love magic. My muse is an odd and powerful critter.