More rime

We had fog and low temperature again last night so the world is covered in a thin slick of ice. Careful on the way in to church this morning…

I will be at Myles of Beans on January 30 – Tuesday coming – to do some standup, believe it or else. Festivities commence at 7:30 pm. I am shuffling together my routine right now. Then next weekend I will deliver my homily about garbage at Beacon (link on blogroll). I’ve already fired off the information for the order of service to the service coordinator so at least that’s looked after. I am SUCH a traditionalist about hymns for my services; I guess it’s to compensate for wanting to play Spiritualized at top volume during the collection. I loved that cd and one of Katie’s friends stole it. Along with just about every other album in the house.

We fed Casey last night after she and Paul went for a walk on the Fraser Foreshore. I was supposed to go to Cindy’s housefilk but Tammy called and two hours went by before we came up for air. I call down the blessings of heaven upon my dear friend Tammy; she consistently listens well and gives good advice (not always easy advice, or welcome! might I hastily add). A good friend is not always an easy one…

Then we went to St. Paul’s Church to see the Vancouver Lesbian and Gay Choir perform their “Heat” concert, which was quite wonderful. They are a non-auditioned choir (can’t get much more inclusive than that) and frankly, they don’t care if you’re straight, either. If I thought I could stand commuting to the practice hall I’d think about non-auditioning; the material was broad enough (show tunes to pop music to madrigals) to be really fun, and it was great to hear “Steam Heat” and a non-hetero version of that old chestnut from Grease, “Summer Nights:. May I particularly commend the accompanist, Dan Lauterbach, who entirely rocks.

I wish I’d thought to bring a cushion. I was in agony for the last half of the concert; it was a relief to have to walk about six blocks back to the car. Also, I’m in prodrome for a migraine; light sensitivity, ptosis and nominal aphasia are the three main symptoms, along with the generalized feeling of dread which always turns out to be chemical as opposed to pointing at a real problem.

I’d better get back to work.

The Gr33ks, they are a crazy bunch

So there’s this bunch of retired academics and all round nutters who want to revive the worship of the ancient Gr33k gods. Okay, I’m jiggy with that. The Gr33k government is not cool with letting them run around millennial monuments with torches and pseudo high priestesses. Sounds about right so far. The Greek Orthodox Church, to which something like 97 percent of the modern Greek population is alleged to adhere, is really not okay with it at all. Okay, NOW I smell either an indie movie or a really hilarious docudrama.

Forgot to mention….

I have written another song!  The drought is over!  And I was working on a country tune this morning but I fell asleep before I could fix it in my brain.  Anyway, the tune I managed to finish is yet ANOTHER Unitarian hum.  Hymn.  WhAtever.  It’s called Ingathering.


The blogroll shows Onelegwest – the proprietor being my beloved worksibling Dave.  The b*st*rd quit!!!  Okay, that’s a little hard on his mom, but it expresses my feelings.  He got a better offer at a place that has acquired about half a dozen staffers over the last couple of years.  He’ll be gone in two weeks and words cannot express how much I am going to miss him, he’s one of the sweetest, smartest, hardest working guys at the company.

May I welcome Lady Miss Banjola

Lady Miss Banjola needs little introduction to my readers. A wonderfully intelligent and only mildly chaotic force for good in the universe, she is a woman of many gifts. I welcome her! I welcome her usefulness and her sarcasm! I welcome her superhero capes! and when I can find a camera whose lens won’t break at the prospect, I’ll take a picture of the one she made me last fall.