It’s late and I should go to bed

But my widdy head is still spinning about how easy this computer is to use. I downloaded a 139 meg file in just shy of 8 minutes, pressed “Install” and 90 seconds later I was opening a new document and typing away. And I downloaded a bunch of other software as well…..

I really really should take some painkillers and go to bed…..

Peggy picked up more boxes for the church move. I’ve got all boxes out of the living room but the bedroom still looks… eesh.

Busy day

After a work week from hell, which only got better when I got a lift to the golf course with Brian C., and where we said goodbye to Will C. who went to a place that’s paying him… uh… a lot more than he was making …. I came home with the Dalai Jarmo and Susanna (may they be blessed and adored) and found out that much work had been accomplished.

The master bedroom is now empty of everything except the clothing in the closet and three pieces of furniture. Katie’s room proceeds apace but needs more ceiling paint and a top coat. Keith’s room ditto. Right now Paul’s working on electrical and Dave’s painting up a storm.

I’m off to Benjamin Moore in New West to buy more paint and another cutting brush, after which I’ll be coming back here and emptying cupboards etc so the menfolks can move the fridge and paint behind it. Then I will be doing whatever I’m physically capable of doing to speed things along as well as any domestic stuff like keeping food happening.

I am happy to report that two weeks of sitting on an exercise ball at work have strengthened my abs and lats to the point that my back is much better. I’m working on an ear infection but it’s better this morning than it was last night (I was practically in tears when I begged T3s from Keith) and if I spike a fever I’ll whip off to the clinic for antibiotics. I’m thinking of making some eyebright tea and applying it – thus far I’ve been managing with hydrogen peroxide.

Now to find some clothes to change into, ha ha, and I’m off. Pic of St Patrick stolen from Wikipedia. I meant to post this yesterday but I forgot to take it off draft mode.

Wii Party & other stuff

Brother Jerome held a Wii party last night. I mopped the floor with him bowling – the only game I played. Then I had a very satisfactory evening drinking a few beers (Paul found more Lion Winter Ale!), talking to Cam and Yoni (and getting Yoni’s version of Cam’s proposal after I admired her tasteful emerald engagement ring), and watching Margaret, Paul, Keith and Jerome go Rabbid and play golf. The avatar construction was the most fun of all. I wish I had a screen cap of mine. Keith’s looks like a, uh, chemically challenged Weird Al Yankovic.

It was probably too soon for Keith to be out flailing around – he had all four wisdom teeth pulled out on Friday, for gosh sakes – but man, it was nice to see him not thinking about the pain and swelling for a while. He kept some of the teeth, and they are quite impressive. Dr Rondeau actually called him on Saturday to check up on him! Keith, of course, is following the aftercare instructions scrupulously.

Kate is home asleep. There was some kind of emotional upheaval yesterday that got really ugly… details thankfully not available. She claims to be done with Daxus again, but I am past the point of believing it. The lure of his – whatever the hell it is that has such a zombie hold on her – and his family, of whom Katie is inordinately fond – will probably resurface. At last report he was making noises about coming up here. I have to say, Dr. Filk will be disgusted if he shows up when he’s not around to give Dax the welcome he may hastily prepare; Dr. Filk is on the island for the weekend.

Today, more dejunking (we got banker boxes and shredder yesterday) and I’ll be heading over to Tom and Peggy’s to catch a lift to church shortly.

Yech I really did not need to see that pic

Okay, thanks to the Internet, I now understand the references to the Goatse man.  If you don’t already understand the reference, don’t bother looking it up, and this means YOU, mOm, and if you do get it, you can have a good laugh on me.

ScaryClown emailed me a link to an author about quality.  I burst out laughing when I read the email and replied (enjoying my advanced age for the first time in MONTHS) “Hey, I read that book in 1988.”  Yes, I am referring to the venerable Quality is Free by Philip Crosby, which I read, as I recollect, when I was working at either the law firm or at CDS.  Anyway, it was when God was young and dinosaurs roamed the earth.  It had a very powerful effect on my thinking about how to run a company, and of course I keep finding it in company libraries and in people’s personal collections, and I always laugh when I see it.

It’s like church.  It’s the same message, over and over again.  It’s no surprise that Philip Crosby is a committed Christian, and that his message hums along like a sermon.

Oh, for the purposes of clarity, and to scotch the notion that I’m being sarcastic when I refer to a committed Christian…..  There are committed Christians, and there’s everybody else.  Committed Christians are people who have accepted the yoke of the Lord and make their lives their witness.  They try to love, and they try not to judge.  Everybody else has decided that Christ wears jackboots, and is going to come and kick the shit outta everybody they don’t personally like.  I have yet to meet a Christian who didn’t fall into one of those two categories.  The first kind of Christian I have no issues with.  I’m looking forward to taunting the other kind of Christian in the lake of fire.

As for there being contradictions in the Bible, which really gets my goatse, something bizarre occurred to me recently, and I thought I’d share it.  There are contradictions in my own DNA…. Ain’t nothing whole and perfect, except maybe an idea.

Drinking Song et cet.

I wrote yet another drinking song, which is really funny, and too scurrilous to post publicly now that I found out my minister’s husband will be cruising by. Or maybe he won’t. I’m definitely going to sing it for ScaryClown, seeing as how I wrote it for him.

Anyway, Al called yesterday to say a number of interesting things, one of which is that the homily I delivered yesterday, which caused me more Thrumps than any other one I’ve ever tried to do and which I didn’t finish until two hours before I was supposed to deliver it, is going on the church website as a podcast. Woo, likewise hoo.

He also said that he found the homily to be very personal and that it seemed like I was talking about my breakup with Paul. My mouth hung open like a cattle gate at that point, and I said, ah, well no, I was trying to be more general, and besides, the bulk of that homily got written a year ago, at which point Al, who is not Mr. Tact, said, “Dr. Filk says you and Paul have been breaking up for 25 years.” Ah yes. When I recovered from my initial astonishment, I burst out laughing. If that’s the way other people see it, how I am to argue the point, ‘specially things being how they are.

I’m working on a migraine, so I’m gonna bail, but, unusually, my migraine was not preceded by a week’s worth of thinking the world’s about to end. Nope, I am feeling pretty good; but not TOO good.

Dang, I wish I could post that song. I know that it’s new and really lovable, at least for me, but….. Oh, foo. I’ll just put it in the list with the other “Turn this song into a flash animation” songs. See you on Youtube, under an assumed name!

Garbage Day

Probably a dozen people came up to me after the service and thanked me for a thought provoking homily.  I love having John Hagen as my service co-ordinator – he is really sympatico and he always adds both gravitas and a soupçon of his own goofy charm to the service, which are two modes of being which don’t always meld that well.  I SPECIFICALLY asked for words and music that I know Peggy likes, so there, and I gave away both copies of the sermon that I brought with me and had a couple of people ask to have it emailed.  I will cross post to my sermons section.
I called and spoke briefly to Tammy (she was waiting for her date to show…) and also briefly to Paul, who phoned from Seattle to check in.

I have spent part of this weekend learning to be more accommodating.  If I explained this in any more detail I’d get in trouble, so I’ll just leave it at that.  This may or may have anything to do with my having purchased fifty bucks worth of makeup.  I had been putting it off, but as long as I’m going to be doing standup or otherwise performing, war paint is called for.
The weather is icky, there’s no wind, but it’s raining lightly and continuously.  As promised in my service, I will be changing out of my homily drag shortly and going to the park to pick up garbage.

Love each other while you can!

Ball lightning in the lab

pOp has probably already seen this, but in case he hasn’t….

Ball lightning created in the lab in Brazil.

pOp has a wonderful story about watching a very large sphere of ball lightning travel right down the middle of the Argus he was flying in. He managed to control the urge to touch it, and considering it zorched a damned bit hole in the aircraft, that’s prob’ly a good thing.
Also, proof that the FSM is indeed in us all.

Look for the post entitled FSM DNA