slime bunny

Giant African Snails make great pets, said no one ever, except some people do keep them.

r/aww - The Giant African Snail. It's a slimy bunny


I made an online order. They said they delivered the printer ink… it was a yoga mat. I did actually order a yoga mat, but the one they sent is the size of a bum imprint. I am not confused and angry! I am just confused!

r/Art - Maskissing, Johnson Tsang, Digital, 2020

This image shows two offwhite masks, formed into human faces and kissing. Maskissing, Johnson Tsang, Digital, 2020


Bee democracy. I think I want to read that book. Did I tell you Lois and Bob have bees. They had an empty hive and put attractant in it a couple of years ago, no dice. Then this year a swarm appeared and moved in. Now we know how they made the decision! By consensus!

a baby hummingbird drinks from a raspberry while in a woman's palm. It has just voided onto her hand.
Baby hummingbird

Baby hummingbird drinking from a raspberry and peeing cause that tiny bod ain’t got no room to store anything

stolen from @ddoniolvalcroze on twitter



Okay so in this picture of two merged transit ads, there was a KFC ad underneath and a VW car ad on to…. the mashup, with the corporate logos on either end, reads as follows:

A car powered on ~ free range chickens

& designed by a team ~ of hand picked potatoes

Experience driving on ~ Mushrooms & Coke

Stolen from @ghostwoods on twitter


I died when I saw this. It’s a picture of a man dressed in  ice cream cone – as in, looking exactly like a man sized cartoon-eyed ice cream cone –  taking a selfie in the BR store bathroom with the legend “How tf am I essential worker”

I stole from @dannolan, goodness alone knows who made it or how he tripped over it.

walkita walkita

So I walked 3.8 k today!  Got my meds straightened out, and they had everything ready for me, AND THEN PEGGY DELIVERED PIE

¿what’s wrong with life?  nothing’s wrong. I owe her biscotti, big time.


ok my knees hurt, but not that much.


Honestly, even though he posts lots of other interesting stuff, the bedrock reason I follow @TheTattooedProf (Kevin Gannon) is because of this darned cute little dog Lulu, the little dog of a mutt&jeff pair. (The other dog is Huge.) The expression on this dog’s face when the smoker is going (MEETS BOX?? MEETS BOX!!) is very funny; they well know that smell is associated with excellently yummy meat.

so cute

If the above noted bouncy little burro disappears, that’s what it is, a young burro hopping around a paddock.

off to get tested for diabeeeeetus this am. Nothing by mouth until after the test’s over sigh and it’s six am and I’m starving and I don’t even leave for another hour.

almost the best grandparents in the world (from Japan, obvs)

Now I have the Totoro song in my head.

r/pics - This Japanese couple built a life size Totoro for their grandchildren

lovely, amusing, deadly earnest

Have some clinical humour.

I know I complain but I’m not a Black trans man from a religious Windrush family forced to live with his rellies during COVID in the UK. I sent him a message of support this morning, because whatever my life looks like it doesn’t involve being misgendered by my close relatives first thing in the morning.

Jeff and I took our lives in our hands AND ATE AT IHOP THIS MORNIN’


I handed out Cap Shields.

Kima pulls a flailie down Denman St

Supposedly a rendering of two neutron stars colliding but I have no idea and ten minutes looking for the provenance of this image proved fruitless NO I LIE IT’S FROM

Check out this incredible Rube Goldberg machine WITH BIRDSONG

Queen Green Screen Meme

The Queen DELIBERATELY wore a green dress for her address. She’s a fucking legend. A colonial thief also, but a legend nonetheless.




@paullicino on twitter is responsible for this gem, which shows the queen wearing a STTNG uniform and addressing number one and Picard



In this picture she is wearing a ‘fucking birds’ shirt with a hawk and the words ‘Eat Farts’


Ethan Kocak @blackmudpuppy has given the world a brilliantly coloured mantis shrimp (tiny homburg hat flying off) PUNCHING A CORONAVIRUS



today for sure I make masks

The 40 second Philippino style mask will work in a pinch but I need ones I can tie.

Katie’s promised a social distancing walk on Sunday, I’m so looking forward to it.

Another agent has rejected me. It’s okay. I’ll be dead before any of these books take off, it’s kinda how things are going to work with me. I already got issued all my luck, I can’t expect more.


above-noted link goes to a frog knocking a bug off a wall. IT IS SO FUNNY

below-noted link goes to a visualization of the cause of death stats in the US


copied from Twitter:
George Hulston


Last night I certified far more deaths than I can ever remember doing in a single shift. The little things hit you: a book with a bookmark in, a watch still ticking, an unread text message from family. Pandemic medicine is hard.
He’s a doc in London UK
Leora Horwitz a doc in NYC says and I quote
I kept underestimating their exertional hypoxia. Learned my lesson when I transferred one pt to lower acuity floor and he had a syncopal event getting from wheelchair to new bed. Walked all patients with pulse ox prior to d/c.


Curioser and curioser


My name in Ascii font ‘Graffitti’

   _____  .__  .__                              
  /  _  \ |  | |  |   ____   ________________   
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        \/               \/_____/            \/ 
     __________.__              __    __        
     \______   \__|__  __ _____/  |__/  |_      
      |       _/  \  \/ // __ \   __\   __\     
      |    |   \  |\   /\  ___/|  |  |  |       
      |____|_  /__| \_/  \___  >__|  |__|       
             \/              \/                 
  /   _____/|  |   ____   _____ _____    ____   
  \_____  \ |  |  /  _ \ /     \\__  \  /    \  
  /        \|  |_(  <_> )  Y Y  \/ __ \|   |  \ 
 /_______  /|____/\____/|__|_|  (____  /___|  / 
         \/                   \/     \/     \/
800000 infected as of this morning