
Everybody I know is either sick, sickening with something, or just plain sickening.  And I don’t feel so well myself.

Got hold of Peggy last night and she’s in for the Hilario Duran trio.  w00t.  Also I’m feeding her and Tom on Friday the 13th.  Scary stuff.

I think I need to clean the barbecue/Stanley Cup

It was rather flame-y yesterday.

Right now, I have two things to look forward to; Dandy Warhols at the Vogue (yes yes yes please and thank you Doug!) and Hilario Duran and Roberto the amazing bassist less than a week after that.   (Yes Please and thank you Katie K!).

I have now gone to bed early 3 days running and I have either kicked the cold that is trying to land on me, I’m fighting off the brain deadening effects of the pollen count, or I’ve got sleeping sickness.

I watched the last game of the Stanley Cup last night.  My interest in hockey is lightly sketched at best, but I have to say that the Pittsburgh team skated as if they, one and all, had pianos tied to their butts, whereas Detroit looked like Mercury had kissed every one of them.  Jeff and I both screamed simultaneously with that last Pittsburgh shot on goal as the clock dived for zero – it came SO CLOSE to going in that we just shook our heads at the replay.  It was a good game, and sportsmanlike.  I found the commentary next to useless.

My evil plans for world domination continue

I have now passed S1 of Deadwood along to Fanboy Joe; Patricia is working her way through S2.  Bwa ha ha.

It was amazing to watch the last shuttle launch in Hi-Def.

Barbecued chicken, salad, garlic bread and pickled beets for dins last night.  Tonight steak and taters, because I feel like it.  The weather has been quite wet, but I’m happy about that as I have not had to water my transplants.  All of the seedlings Richter’s sent me survived except for one gai lan.  Nautilus3 warned me I’d need to feed the strawberries so soon I will be getting plant food.

The Luddite’s garden is an amazing collection of homemade bean poles, enormous raspberry plants, clematis, chives, strawberries in containers, and overgrown flowerbeds full of California poppies and other things I can’t recognize.  He recently evicted a skunk from under the porch.  He lined broken mirrors that he found in alleyways along one side of the back vegetable bed to increase the amount of light; the effect is hard to describe but I think it’s really cool, and it does work to increase the light rather dramatically.

The homemade bean poles.  OMG.  He deliberately pruned a pear tree to make straight branches and then cut them all down last weekend to make THE most SKOOKUM bean poles you ever saw in your life.  They are bean poles for the ages.

The garden at this house is pretty nice for a rental.  There are a lot of pretty flowering shrubs, and I love the ivy on the front porch, it’s one of the things that sold this apartment to me.

Good Atheist, Bad Atheist is finally done.

I’m reading it to myself to get the cadences right, and stitching in a few last minute word changes. Thanks to my friends and family for the encouraging words.

Finally got hold of the Luddite – I’m off to his place for dinner and (likely) another interesting evening of Youtube videos, great music and amusing conversation.

I’m taking Monday off. As Dr. Filk once remarked, “I’m far too well to come to work today”