A brief clarification

Jeff is the best at many things.  However when he volunteers for a horrid task, especially when I am so unbendy, I am very grateful.

Last night only Mike, Cassidy and Shad came but that was enough. We sang and played until 10:30.

Last night I had very broken sleep.  As you can see from the time stamp I slept quite late.

Last night I dreamed I was carrying around my manuscripts and they made me happy.  I was showing them off and saying how proud I was of them.  In real life right now they feel like a boat anchor so I have no idea where that came from.

Last night I dreamed that a bunch of women and their children were being forced away from their homes and they were moved to a land where they could be food for zombies. The zombies were grabbing sleeping children and eating them.

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Born when atmospheric carbon was 316 PPM. Settled on MST country since 1997. Parent, grandparent.

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