Yesterday Paul and I walked from Geekhaus to the Tommy Douglas Library the long way so it was almost 4 km on concrete. But… all on the flat, a total consideration these days.
we sat on a bench outside Edmonds Pool outbound
Oh, I forgot the funniest thing. This consistently happens when I’m trying to tell a story. We saw the same bicycle cop five times as we were walking. He must have literally been cycling up and down every street and alley in a certain zone, and we met him repeatedly as we crossed his criss-crossing path.
We picked up some bread and treats at the bakery on Edmonds, I picked up some SF and post-apocalyptic skills books (dyeing) at the library, and I got a flu shot.
No writing yesterday.
several hours later: Jeff snores like a sea monster expiring on a beach; crescendos of pneumatic exhalation followed by silence.