quiet day

Today around ten we’re going to head out for a Value Village shop. That means as soon as I hang up from this I should assemble some clothes to get rid of.

Yesterday we walked to Langley Market and picked up supper, which was one head of cabbage, one carrot, four thin slices of tuscany style ham chopped fine, two tbsps of safflower oil, one tsp soy sauce, and pepper, garlic and paprika to taste. The stir fry was super tasty and in response to Jeff expressing an interest in pushing the food more toward the vegetarian end of things. It sure was filling and only set us back about $6 for four meals.

After we watched a bit more of S4 Expanse, while remarking on how much more cheerful we felt for having walked around a bit (Jeff carried the bag of groceries home.) There’s a lot of whining on the internet about how grimdark it is but from my perspective the fact that the unnamed billionaire left the goddamned show alone is enough of a win for me; the showrunners, directors and writers are doing their thing without problems.



what a day

I’m going to be quietly reeling from this day for quite a while, it was totally runuluck, but different than any I’ve experienced before in that Alex was with me for a good chunk of the day {and he don’t nap no more} and so much of what happened was through his lens or in aid of his needs, more accurately.

They picked me up at 6 and we proceeded down the road the way we normally do. We were on the bridge when we first noticed the atmospheric effects which honestly I thought were mushroom flashbacks. Finally I broke down and said something to the effect of “That looks fucking weird and like noctilucent clouds except it’s on the ground and mostly purple and white and orange (but pale… ghostly) and Alex noticed the ring around the moon, announcing loudly that there was a rainbow around the moon before going back to his game. The phenomenon can best be described as stable air ground fog iridescence, because it occurred in the following places: between 50 and 200 metres; with a row of white lights behind it (as happens in a couple of places along the highways on the way to Tsawwassen Terminal) and the fog had to be sort of the right texture, I don’t know how else to describe it. At one point there was an enormous eye of the stuff leering down the highway because one part was denser than the other so the iridescence only worked around the outer edge. Freeeeeaky shit, man. It was weird enough that I had to dial myself down from feeling scared. Then I realized that the daysigns were starting and I needed to be calm, and so I PROJECTED A BOW WAVE OF GRANDMOTHERLY CALM IN FRONT OF THE CAR which was about as freaky as the rainbow since I could see the white wave extending in front of me.

Alex calls out from the back seat NOTE note NOTE and Katie says are you reading the Not In Service announcement on the bus? and I said, “While your grandmother is in the car?” and Katie and I get snerfly derfly.

Everything uneventful and orderly at the Terminal, Katie gets out of the car and I’m scowling like a motherfucker because it’s pretty damned dark and SHE’S NOT REFLECTIVE at all and she’s the fucking safety officer at work and HOW DARE SHE and then a thousand starlings leap as one out of the two trees next to her and murmurate like anything. She gives this adorable lurch, not having expected a thousand cloacae to HUP fly over her (telling me afterward that all she could think was do not poop do not poop do not poooop) and then she has to turn around and come back because the ferryman has called everyone back to their cars.

She was fucking dying for a coffee and had to wait, like 20 MINUTES she was about ready to bite the dash, until we got onto the ferry. I sprang for the buffet and told Alex to stay put and watch my purse, which he kindly agreed to do.

We watched the clouds. The clouds over Vancouver continued to be weird and they looked like they were painted on, with white circles around them like a frigging kid’s drawing. Katie was standing next to me, she saw it too.

And then she saw a seal; Alex’s consulting animal.

The sun came out. We left the horrible weather behind, it was wonderful.

Two adult bald eagles came to roost in a tree at the same time (as it, folded their wings at the same time) as we drove past them on the Pat Bay Highway. I’ve never seen that happen except in a nature documentary.

Then we stopped at Thrifty’s and I stayed in the car with Alex, remembering to call mOm so she didn’t think we’d phone-poled ourselves.

Then we got to the folks’ place and unpacked all the goodies and drank tea and Alex reacquainted himself with his favourite sun room toys and hummingbirds and THE FATTEST FUCKING SQUIRRELS I mean chonk style, absolute unit, massive fucking squirrels, and you think fuck that’s a big squirrel and then the other guy shows up and it’s how can you jump up that high you look like your thigh muscles should just say yeah, no, sorry, I am dead now. Fat squirrels.

Alex and I worked our way through the disco light, the rocks that glow and the rocks that do not glow (when held up to a lamp), the reason that your shadow is not over there is because it is there and you are here. Nope, that won’t work either. Seriously Alex, you know this. Light on one side, you in the middle, shadow on the outside. This is truly hopeless.

So I read favourite books including Hop on Pop.

And something that has Knapweed in it. And I say Knapweed is a funny word because you have to ignore the K. Alex says “The K is silent” and I’m thinking yes that is a strong reading readiness sig-a-nal.

I had one of the strangest and yet most wonderful experiences as a grandperson yet. Out of a clear blue sky – we were between book readings – he tells me that when he has a scary dream he imagines me running among the scary things with a broomstick beating the crap out of them.

I’m honoured, of course, that he would think of me in those terms, and I assured him that I would indeed be only too happy to kick the snot out of any scary things that have the nerve to come into his dreams. The conversation, as it does with lively youngsters, shifts.

On the way home in the car (it was a flying visit to my fOlks who continue to be adorable and I’d say that even if they weren’t assisting me) I ask his mama about this. He’s conked out in the back. She tells me that when Mars Attacks scared her that’s what I said to her, that I’d beat their big ugly heads in with a broomstick. I had no recollection of that.

Now I’m home safe and intend at some point to sleep.

it was quite a day




It bothers me that the older I get the rarer I get, even to me. I’m literally making myself scarce for the next generation and what thanks am I getting, what do you mean I actually have to die before anybody thanks me. Well, just see if I don’t.

me with my mouth open

I miss that coat and scarf; I lost the scarf and the coat got holes in it. This is like fifteen years ago on the beach close to Courtenay. It was a fucking cold and windy day.

The UK election did not go well for the Greens and Labour. The Smug Gits got in instead. Northern Ireland had some interesting shifts.

Still very low energy. I don’t feel sad, I just hate how dark it is all the time. Jeff’s encouraging me to find short term creative / admin projects – like moving all the posts from the old site to the current one so I have something to plug away on when I don’t have the cognitive capacity for my Big Jobs. So now I have to put together the ability to make a list. LOL

snow pic from last year

Rainbow hand – taken at Mike’s place Electrifying, evidently Me in the tub Jeff’s car has not been driven in a while and the raccoons enjoy it.


Alex yesterday

“Do you have a message for your GGMa? Thank you GGma!” And NO I DIDN’T PROMPT THIS other than asking him to say it. I thought my heart would ‘splode.

He played Xenon and got Seven Tube Shots. He’s getting good, it’s wonderful to watch. He watched Gruncle Jeff play Gears of War (“I was told there’d be robots”!) 4 for about ten minutes before he wanted his own videos.

Then I sat him down with Audacity and we did some recording. Part of it is above.

He’s so funny. I just about died laughing, and Katie got a break which included a nap and making supper…..