Rib is better

I entertained myself this morning coming up with fake reviews for the Upsun series. My inspiration was reading a panning of a piece of fantastic contemporary space opera because it has queers and soft boys in it.

lol lol lol

I got a good night of sleep and hopefully I’m ready to take on the day.

So one of the writers and show runners for Frankie Drake wrote and directed Cairo Time! Ruba Nadda is the name.

June 2005 is up

I got lazy and put the last half of the month under one post.

I wrote 690 words of fanfic yesterday but I’m completely sessile today. I had a ‘bad digestion day’ which was basically me eating a probiotic for the first time in months plus eating cheese and two bowls of lentils in a single 24 hour period and I must say it was windy in here, mighty windy. The cheese & probiotic formed a plug and then the lentils had things to say for about 45 minutes after they rudely and forcefully pushed past the cheese plug, at the end of which I briefly thought of taking a picture and then comparing notes with my pOp but I, even I, restrain myself at the ultimate edge of really poor taste and merely suggest it. Then I nearly passed out. I felt faint for about ten minutes and actually thought about yelling for Jeff but the ghastly weakness faded. I kept my phone close just in case. This much pressure is normally accompanied by high exhaust gas temperature but nope. If Paul ever reads this he needs to know I repeatedly thanked fortune that I had a flush, as opposed to hand pump, toilet, as I would naver have kept up.

That plus the bruised possible broken or cracked floating rib is not making me lively, that’s for damned sure.

I light a candle for a young comrade in Sweden who’s feeling crappy and unloved. I sent him a note to indicate that his crappiness is not evident at least to me.

Monday at the pool

Katie and Alex came and got me to go to Edmonds; Paul and Keith came later, and then I took them home to feed them the lentil stew I made yesterday (which is yommy although the fenugreek’s too strong for Jeff).

Alex seems to be in pretty good shape these days; we had a few minutes in the little pool while his mom soaked kid-free. Then she swam up behind him like a shark and I would KILL FOR A PHOTO OF KATIE’S SMUG, PRETTY FACE as she glided by me to seize her son’s toe.

We watched Abominable. Hoo Boy. So much to say about it but I think I’ll both process and research a little while longer, or maybe pass entirely.

brekky with Katie

Jeff and I were at IHOP with Katie yesterday morning; I’m up now with a cup of coffee, having already cried with horror and laughter over the day that’s begun.

Many cats are fascinating but Buster is a people, and his continuing ability to communicate his desires and mental state in a way that this wacky primate brain can comprehend is simply lovely.

Heard from Tammy this week; she’s about to go on a lovely, much needed and longed for scuba holiday, so I’m expecting pictures when she gets back after Christmas.

Katie and I are hoping to get to Tofino this summer, if we can pick a week.

Working on fanfic. Taking a break from practicing. Baby Yoda is my thingy.