Went to not one but two parties on New Year’s Day
Had really nice restaurant meal at Hart House
Found out the name of a good mechanic in WA state on the highway towards Seattle
Wrote “Snow Poem” Jan 16
Called Stefan Molyneux an unregenerate Nazi sockwad
Wrote “how to write down music when you don’t know how to read it.”
Failed entertainingly as the Toasted Master of Conflikt XIII at the end of January.
In February, saw Hannah Gadsby, performing “Douglas” with my cousin Alexis.
Started making whole wheat flower rolls, pizza and cinnamon sticks as part of my diet issues.
Got myself diagnosed for ADD in October.
Wrote the song “I’m going to have to ask the smart people to leave”
Wrote the poem ‘membrane’
Found out about Stella the Talking Dog and my life got way better. Started thinking, in consequence, about training Buster….
Wrote a doggerel song called The Driving Instructor
Got a song on ‘filkcast’
Attended a simply fantastic Dunnett Spit at Sandbar in February.
Wrote “Thorfinn’s Song (The Standard of the Crow)
9 posted destiel fics totalling eighty thousand words
Wrote another six more but they aren’t completely edited and clean.
Wrote song “This is just a test”
Posted the overview of a script – Earthquake Tourists
As far as I can tell, caught and survived the first iteration of 2019 COVID between 17th and 23rd of March
Wrote the squib “I was born with Uranus in retrograde”
Wrote my obituary in doggerel – right before I caught the rona
Posted Sue Gillespie’s Impossible Pie recipe
Wrote poem ‘stop and start’
Wrote poem ‘phone call’
Wrote haiku ‘ratings system’
Wrote poem ‘ the open tap’
Wrote poem “Plea bargain”
Sometime in the spring began to train Buster
Wrote ‘Brief Poem”
Wrote poem “Ageless”
First kidney stone
Figured out that I also have Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria
Figured out I should wear orthotics every moment I’m conscious
Although I don’t
started watching Time Team
Wrote the poem ‘winners’
Got new orthotics
Wrote short fic ‘the old woman’
Did a complete ranting takedown on an Open Letter in Harpers Mag
Met new people in a trek to Bowen Island
Wrote ‘the anticolonial song’
Put Mexican Gothic on hold in August, read it in December, loved it
Started to play hammered guitar and also dulcimer
Wrote ‘the staple gun song’ squib
Posted my vegan lentil soup recipe
Safely removed a bird Buster brought alive into the house
Participated in a social distanced housefilk
Survived the terrible air quality during the California fires
Sewed myself a bolster for my back so I’m more comfy in my bunk bed
Finally gave Paul his seventieth birthday card on his 71st birthday
Got a flu shot
Performed a complete review of my personal habits and committed to meaningful self-improvement, and it worked.
Started work on the MOLOCH poem
Commenced writing letters to loved ones and family members to stay connected during the pandemic.
Lost my phone and cancelled my cell phone service.
Applied for a pension.
Practiced singing and instruments almost every day for a year.