good news

I’m eligible for my second vax as of Monday


Paul has had his second jab! he did what he said he was going to do which was go to the vaccination centre at the end of the day and ask if they had any jabs left over. So he’s fully vaccinated!!! yay modern medicine.

What do you call feeling wiped out after your vaxx PFIZERS ON STUN lol


I made mac and cheese and Katie came by for a brief visit and I gave her some to take home. SHE ATE IT mOm SHE ATE IT.

Also she’s walking okay, and she took time off, and it’s just one of those things and we should all be glad she was wearing her Dickie’s!! (Heavy work jeans).

questions you needn’t answer

1. Just how incompetent IS the security guard at Lux?¹
2. What are the odds that a crow four kilometres away from my house that behaves familiar with me is actually one of the crows I feed from the deck?
3. Is there any market for a book about a single 2.5 km walk in Burnaby?
4. Is “I’m glad you’re okay?” the appropriate response to learning from one of your children that they nearly died in a workplace accident?²
5. Is their spouse being willing to show you the pictures of the aftermath in any way going to ameliorate the emotions arising from question 4?
6. Is Horgan going to cancel Site C? Will direct action be required?
7. What will be the consequences of the demographic crash? (triggered by the pandemic – but likely to continue due to the strange reluctance of the titans of industry to lobby for legislation to help manufacture the workers of the future.)
8. What does Mutual Aid mean to you?
9. If I asked you to be a pallbearer, what would you do? (This is actually a trick question. The correct answer is, remind me that I’m going to be cremated.)
10. Are Indigenous scientists going to save the world?³
11. Are Dominionists going to kill it?
12. Does the body still know best?

  1. in order for this to mean anything you have to know it refers to the fictional L.A. nightclub in the fictional show Lucifer, which is having an absolute WE DON’T CARE ABOUT NARRATIVE final season. I do not know whose fanfic this all is, but the implications are quite interesting.
  2. Katie has some spectacular bruises. She’s not taking questions at this time.
  3. As far as I can see yesss