The rude awakening

At 1:52 this morning some bozoid rang my buzzer (which makes my phone ring, like less than two feet from my head) and said, and I quote, “I’m a good friend of the guy who lives in 431. Can you let me in?” In sepulchral tones, I replied, “I have no idea who you’re talking about” and hung up.

I’ve a mind to go abuse the guy in 431, but I won’t, he didn’t do anything.

I released two Bookcrossing books yesterday… they are gone! I am happy.

Paul and I had supper at the Himalaya last night to celebrate the fact that the house actually closed. He also brought me the camping equipment, for which I’d like to thank him. Baumfest tonight! No blogging from now until at least noon Friday unless somebody’s got wireless.

One of the many many things I’m thankful to my parents for…

is that they had a book by Bernard Heuvelmans called On the Track of Unknown Animals, which is about cryptids.  Anyway, here’s a link to a picture from his study in Switzerland.  I read the whole thing cover to cover about 100 times when I was a kid.  It permanently set in me the desire to be a person to see a cryptid, which, unless I get to catch a Cadborosaurus, seems highly unlikely.  Anyway, folks, if you want a laugh, check out what it would cost to replace the book these days.  It’s been out of print since the sixties….

I got the link from, which is part of my blogroll.