Why do I feel like I got nothing done yesterday

I actually did, but when I go back to talk about it, it’s just an ordinary day.

I made art! I practiced my instruments! I worked on a long poem! I wrote 200 words on The Best Roommate in the World! I mailed letters and put some art in envelopes to friends!

I also paid zero attention to my diet and didn’t take a nap. I found out that the hair that’s disappeared out of my pony tail is all from one side, so I’m going to put up two pony tails to try to stop the abrasion on one side. I thought I was losing hair, but this is something else.

sorry bout my tardiness

Ugly outside but not really raining. Haven’t left the house. Two loads of laundry on, the dishes done. Worked on an article for the blog called “How to write a song” and it’s partly good advice and partly ranting, house brand really; spoke to the dietician, practiced and sang a bit, ate the last samosa for brekky and now all I want to do is get another one or six or ten or fifteen hundred. Worked a bit on non Indigenous bits of UPSUN.


Letters, writing, practice, things to do

Wrote two letters, one to mOm and one to tOm, lol. Haven’t posted them yet. One of them has a fake get well card in it (SORRY TO HEAR YOU’RE FUCKIN’ POORLY it says) and the other has a snowflake which if you look very carefully is extremely non standard although it is roughly hexagonal. (There’s a very funny and extremely accidental design in the middle.)

I’m thinking of posting a song a day for a year. I have written enough songs to do that. It would be a horrific thing to take on, but I’m never going to be BETTER at singing and playing, now’s the time to do it if at all. I await a sign from the ancestors that this is a good idea. I will commence in January if I hear back from them.

Romain Grosjean has given his first interview since the crash. It’s remarkable for a couple of things, apart from his sunny gratitude for making it through one of the most horrifying and spectacular crashes in F1 history with no more than burns on his hands and ankles. One is that he admits that he was wrong to whinge about the “Halo” when it was instituted in 2018; the other is that he completely normalizes how YOU SHOULD GET PSYCHOLOGICAL HELP AFTER TRAUMA. None of this shit about gutting it out. He was weeping in the rescue car after the accident (he was burned and had broken several bones) and thank you Romain for being a human being and not endorsing toxic masculinity or trying to hide that when bad shit happens, humans need help. Also, he is one of the few humans to have survived a 53G impact and he crawled 18 seconds later (they’re trained to detach from plugs and harness in 9 seconds) from the FIREBALL of wreckage with a broken foot (the doc didn’t want him to walk but he thought it was important for the fans that he get to the rescue car under his own power and MAN WAS HE RIGHT because our relief when we saw him emerge from that inferno cannot be limned in words). Yay Halo.

@prisonculture sez CYNICISM ISN’T GENERATIVE

Christmas is coming, Die Hard too

LOL I did a search and replace on a fanfic and all of a sudden I had a Caserole.

Shopping this am; we’re out of milk. I think I’m going to take a break from writing letters for a couple of days until I actually have some news; I’m to the point I’m making stuff up or talking about the news on the telly (which I don’t watch, it’s just an expression)


goddamn this is rich



Okay enough lazing about

Today it’s my intention to get a little more work done than yesterday, which was a stellar day for doing as little as possible in comfort and style. I have a sleep hygiene fix to enact, solstice presents to make, flour buns to bake and at some point I’m going to have to try that new toaster.

Also letters to mail, laundry to do, spiderwebs to take down, plans to gestate and plots to thicken.


I am having a lazy day

I managed to a tiny bit of writing on UPSUN, I am attempting to work on the scene where Jesse moves in with Slider.

Lots of practicing today, mallet work among other things. Brief trek to London Drugs, we have a new toaster, huzzah. There was a moose mask… I bought it. I was hoping to go to the bank, but yelling broke out in the line up so I scooted back to the car.

Spoke to Peggy briefly. She hopes Tom will perk up in hospital, it wasn’t happening at home. She’s had a chance to social distance interact with grandkids so that always helps.

I love this so I decided to try to leave a link


Wakeful Sunday

I’ve already practiced, had breakfast, brushed the cat and scritched him FOR SO LONG I got bored, written one letter, walked my three letters (Lois, Jim, mOm) to the mailbox, and now I am thinking about making myself a second breakfast of an egg sammy, washing kitchen rugs, having a shower and maybe working on some more Christmas presents.

It’s clear and cold and the MOON WAS SO BRIGHT as I walked this morning, I hardly felt like it was 3:50 in the morning!

I think I’m recovered completely from that last nasty ‘mood migraine’ and I feel well rested and as if there is some feeble possibility I may get something done today.

Alex may come over today – we’ll be social distancing because his poppa may have been exposed to COVID.

a few little things

I have to mail a couple of letters this morning, but perhaps I’ll have written a couple more before I actually leave the house.

New Mandalorian episode, looking forward to that.

There’s going to be a Chinese language Miss Fisher set in Jazz Age Shanghai!!! I have seen the promo and it looks lovely, hope they keep the mood.

I’m feeling kind of low energy at the moment, so maybe instead of attacking my to do list I’m going to indulge in activities focussed on comfort, cleanliness and preparing for winter. (LONG BATH, SPA ACTIVITIES, NAPPING, SNACKING)



Tom’s coming home

How providential. Much labour from Peggy of course.

I have a master list of groceries and I just transferred six weeks of grocery lists over so the gaps were all filled in with … stuff that we eat in 2020 as opposed to the ramen and KD I was buying non stop 25 years ago….. Anyway, it was an interesting exercise, and I have to do it anyway, changing the list so there are no treats and fewer items which are now forbidden by the Congress of Kidneys, Liver, Pancreas and Digestive Tract.


two letters off today, a 2 pager off to Tom and a 2 pager off to mOm. Almost mailed my bank card off too, but

Paul has called wanting to go for a walk. I already mailed things and I’m enjoying a little patch of sun warming this corner of the world up so I’m resisting, resisting.

I wonder when Buster will scoot his ass across the kitchen rugs, now they’re nice and clean….


I have heard back from the cultural competence reader. I will be mailing the manuscript today or tomorrow.

Finished Queen’s Gambit and loved it. That will get a rewatch sooner rather than later I imagine.

I have received some more addresses from family members. I’m working on some kind of master plan for our diet.

Vegetarian whole wheat pizza again with soy cheese. I honestly cannot tell the difference.

I’ve heard about a show called Trickster; the Dunnetteers quite like it so I want to give it a try.

Wall Street is apparently telling Trump to give it up. LOL


It’s 8 am and

I’ve practiced guitar and formalized a new song. I’m dressed! I brushed my teeth and hair!

I’ve walked my 4 (scandalous) letters over to the post box, one for Jan M (written this morning), one for Jan G, one for pOp, one for Tish. I did not have a coronary coming back up the hill, but I was well out of breath when I got back to the house.

I’ve had a whole wheat bun and a couple of cups of tea for breakfast, I brushed and trained and watered Buster and opened his door since we’ve been locking it, and I turned on the heater downstairs so it’s toasty by the time we start watching tv.

Contemplating pizza. Probably tomorrow.

The cultural competence reader is awaiting the novel, so we are a go. Even if things don’t work out (for all I know she hates it so much she can’t bear it, who knows), the process has commenced and I’m off to a new level of fiction.

Jeff while I’m thinking of it is it possible the raccoons have taken down the netting? I couldn’t see it this am


“I’d rather that a bigot think I’m a lesbian than a lesbian think I’m a bigot.”



there’s a coup in the US but it’s quiet

lazy day

I showered, did a load of laundry and slept like I was getting paid to yesterday. I guess I was processing the phone call from the clinic. A few things were cleared up and she’s sending me some literature. I can still lose 20 pounds and stave this off…. I feel like there are a million goddamned balls in the air, and I have so little control over most of them, and inconsistent control over the rest.

Pankakes and tea for brekky


this is one of Kevin Gannon’s dogs (@thetattooedprof) and this is TOTAL MOOD FOR NOW


This is Peter Coffey @petercoffey’s photo of an oil beetle. THEY FLOP OVER AND PLAY DEAD WHEN THE FLASH GOES OFF so he posted this pic with a complaint about how they are his new least fave thing to photograph and I’m thinking WHUT this is berloody amazin’


Somebody mention the angel Castiel?  S’gonna be all right, my beauties.