Damnedest thing – I applied for one job and this software company warmly encouraged me to apply for another. I also could have had an ongoing permanent part time job, but I levelled with the temp agency gal and said, er, um. No, because I’ll just quit.
Today I:
Made quinoa tabbouleh. I was expecting to like it. I didn’t expect to eat all of it. I did. I sat down and ate the whole salad in three installments.
- One cup quinoa (prepare with salted water or chicken bouillon)
- One bunch parsley chopped fine
- Two shallots chopped fine
- Lemon juice or white vinegar (two tablespoons)
- Garlic to taste
Add the parsley to the cooked quinoa, toss with rest of ingredients and devour warm or cold.
Cheap and nourishing – quinoa is a complete protein and 12-16 % protein by volume. Even better, it is covered with saponin so birds don’t eat it. Better still, I just ordered some – I am going to grow it as part of my “The shit is going to hit the fan re food production within the next couple of years” plan. So the recipe will still work after the collapse of civilization, if I learn how to make vinegar too.
Did some ironing and clothing repair which restored one of my best dresses to usefulness, always a good thing during a job hunt. Ironing takes too bloody long, it really does.
Followed up on the job hunt with a number of phone calls and emails.
Put away all of my clothes
Cleaned the bathroom
Fed Gizmo a special treat of tuna, with broth. (He’s lost 1/3rd of his body weight since the kitten arrived, so we’re probably going to have to rearrange his eating area so he’s not harassed as he eats.) We’ll be doing everything we can to fatten him up.
Updated the master shopping list because I don’t buy Marmite any more, among other reasons.
Ordered seeds for the spring, including Marquis, a kind of wheat that has been grown in Canada for 100 years, and is probably among the cultivars my ancestors grew.
Cleaned the washer and the dryer.
Played with Margot for half an hour. At one point Eddie joined her, which was very amusing; they were chasing a bell on a string which I dragged under a rug and which Eddie found irresistable.