Note to self…

I should get up earlier.  I had to let 3 buses go by at Production station; once I got on the jam packed bus, I had the discomfiting experience of having someone gently – and entirely unintentionally – move the edge of her handbag up and down my ass crack the entire way up Gaglardi hill.  I spent the endless minutes thinking of exactly the right thing to say; it was all I could do not to burst out laughing.

Bucketing snow, raining pain

And Stephen Harper is my country’s Prime Minister.  I suppose it could be worse; Mugabe or somesuch.

I am experiencing almost the same amount of pain and hobbling as I did when I first sproinged my L5S1.  Truly, it’s remarkable.  I’m off to the clinic later to see if I can get some painkillers; sleep last night was a chimerical thing.  They specifically tell you NOT to point your toes when you have this kind of muscle meshugas, but the only way I could sleep was on my stomach with my toes pointed.  I’ve called in sick and I am supposed to have a scheduled vacation day tomorrow but there’s some really weird stuff happening at work that I think I’d prefer to be there to see, and it’s Mr. Clean’s last day before a month of leave, so we prob’ly have to do the download thing.

Onelegwest is staying on until February, Hurrah.   So the Lunch Bunch Mark IV will not be sundered as soon as I feared.

I’m 17 days off cigarettes.  I’ve had two bouts of cravings, both easily managed.

Kira is watching it snow with a look of utmost distaste and a very subdued twitching of her tail. Vis is down to about an eighth of a mile.

Forgot to mention….

I have written another song!  The drought is over!  And I was working on a country tune this morning but I fell asleep before I could fix it in my brain.  Anyway, the tune I managed to finish is yet ANOTHER Unitarian hum.  Hymn.  WhAtever.  It’s called Ingathering.


The blogroll shows Onelegwest – the proprietor being my beloved worksibling Dave.  The b*st*rd quit!!!  Okay, that’s a little hard on his mom, but it expresses my feelings.  He got a better offer at a place that has acquired about half a dozen staffers over the last couple of years.  He’ll be gone in two weeks and words cannot express how much I am going to miss him, he’s one of the sweetest, smartest, hardest working guys at the company.

Thinking Rock

As you can imagine, I have a ship pile of work to do to get myself successfully launched in my new life.  I have been kicking the tires on organizing software, and I think, thanks to, I have finally found what I’m looking for:  Thinking Rock.

I’ve been messing with it for about an hour, and I have to say that I’m already really enjoying the power and flexibility.  You do need the most recent rev of Java to use it.

Now I know that those of my rel-eo-tives who have a getting-things-done software chip embedded in their skulls, and yes I mean you GoToGirl and Nautilus3 and Tammy too, will be laughing at me trying to find software to help me as I meep meep my way through this tangle of to-dos, but I say if the technology is there, use it.  I’ve now downloaded seven different kinds of GTD software and this is the first one I’ve liked. Not that a recommendation from me means dick-all, but  there you go.

… today so far, with a bit of yesterday

Slept late – first time in weeks. Got up and went through five photo albums, removing my photos. I have to admit that in this at least, the digital age is superior. It was really hard not to cry when I got to pix of Grandad and Bounce.

Both the kids are working today. Keith got an extra two hours put on the front end of his shift, which is something you only do to a 20 year old man if you know he’s organized and disciplined and won’t have been up all night drinking. (At at internet café playing WoW until three, yes, but not drinking.)

Paul paid somebody to get a haircut – first time in over 15 years. I admit to some interest in how it will look the first time he washes it, but he certainly looks different. I admit to some amusement that he went to my stylist, as she had to be polite and say that I’d done an okay job so far. I think we saved about $1500 in haircuts.

Last night I went to the Massage school in New Westminster and got an hour long massage for $30. My foot stopped being numb for about 15 minutes – I wasn’t expecting even that so it was kind of miraculous.

My boss, who will henceforth be known as Mr. Clean (because of a canister of cleanser which is part of his deskshrine), gave me a lift, after he told me that he’d give me a lift if I cleaned off my desk. Ha. He didn’t think I’d do it, and I really DID clean if off, not just pile stuff in corners. And I wiped it down afterwards, seeing as how it looked like a Rorschach nightmare in coffee stains.

Cure for Cancer

I wiped the sleep out of my eyes and discovered that somebody invented a cure for cancer. It’s amazing what happens on the Interwebs when you’re asleep! Oh, darn. There’s the fine print, it hasn’t been tested in humans. Okay, I can go back to sleep now. The reference is on Bruce Sterling’s weblog, in case you have any interest.

Today will be more like a full and proper day at work, with a full complement of staff, which means I should have my lunch bunch back in one fine ensemble of photography afiocionados.

Irina in the caf is quitting wah! To get more education and higher pay, yay! Honest to God, everytime I hear her say, “Biscotti” in that heavy heavy Russian accent, I shiver in pleasure. I’ve given her the recipe twice now – she was frantic when she misplaced it during her move – and I was commiserating with her about how the results are even better in a gas stove but you have to watch it like a hawk because it burns so much more readily. I know that a girl’s supposed to have a signature recipe that she possessively clings to, but I’ve always given the recipe to anybody who asked for it, and dang, I’ve posted it to my blog twice…

I finished mailing out the co-op applications; now let’s see who wants somebody with a fair amount of non-profit experience… who won’t need a subsidy.

My to do list magically got bigger during the night. Has this ever happened to you???