Beach, Beach, Beach

I got a little crispified around the edges – enough to make me powerfully sleepy – but otherwise it was a great beach day.  I slept until 11 yesterday, and was relieved to find Jeff hadn’t made himself breakfast yet, so it was waffles and bacon, and then we watched a little Nascar and NCIS, and then Mike came and got me, and then we beached for about four hours.  The stairs going back up this time were much easier and much faster.  I only stopped three times and then just to catch my breath, standing, not to have full bore collapses like the last time where I had to sit down and pant for about ten minutes each time.  Despite the heat, and Cheez Whiz, was it hot yesterday, it was a lot easier to manage. I have to climb three flights of stairs every morning when I go to work – usually faster than I want to if I’m going to catch the train – and I think that’s made stairs somewhat easier overall.  I think my assessment of the horrors of climbing the stairs last time was correct – I tried climbing the stairs during a hot flash and thought I was dying as a result.  When you’re already overheated it’s hard to tell the difference!

Jeff came and got me at around 5 and we drove cross town to Tom and Peggy’s where we had Walnut Smoked Salmon.  It was DAMN GOOD but still, IMO, not as good as cherrywood charcoal salmon. Paul definitely found a keeper with that recipe…. The rest of dinner, as always, was entirely yummy; the peaches and cream corn was amazing and perfectly cooked, and the new potatoes were the classic salute to summer.

I should have gone straight to bed but it was just one more NCIS (actually we were finishing one) and then another one; Jeff indulges me shamelessly as I am sure there are other things he’d rather be watching.

Must retrieve laundry and get going on the day.

I didn’t see Keith this weekend.  I missed him.

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Born when atmospheric carbon was 316 PPM. Settled on MST country since 1997. Parent, grandparent.

6 thoughts on “Beach, Beach, Beach”

  1. I’m so jealous you got to go to Wreck Beach. On the other hand, it’s one thing to be there with a 20-something body and quite another to be there today with a 50-something body, i.e. no washboard abs here!!

  2. Regarding NCIS: I’m not indulging you; I like it at least as much as you do. Just not in the same way (read: Mark Harmon is great, but I don’t exactly drool over him like you.)

  3. Personally, Tony does more for me, but I agree Mark Harmon is charming, intelligent and attractive, i.e. I can see why Allegra finds him hot.

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