Regarding my new squib at the top of the blog

Obviously I’m referencing what’s going on with Katie.  Donald elaborated, when I asked.   “It’s originally, as most truly telling insights are, from a waitress at a diner. I got it from a guy who was commiserating with a waitress in a roadside place in the middle of nowhere, Nebraska: he was on the run from Scientology; she from Biff.”


Last day of vacation

Some people never get a vacation, so I guess I should be happy about that.  Today I will make no predictions about what I’ll do.

Heard from Carrie and got her new address.  She’s living on Haida Gwai the lucky woman.  I’ve never even visited there.

Paul is a day late getting back from Ontario, where he was hiking with Tish and Terry.  He said he had a marvellous time.

Keith was over and we Deadwooded for a while.

I asked Peggy the other day what else was going on in her life besides baby Greg and she laughed.

Here’s my latest facebook post (in the filker group):

While perusing a Latin English dictionary for another purpose, I discovered a word that would be perfect for a filkcon name: Concino. Means “to sing in chorus” “to play together” “to agree in saying” “to agree” “to sing together” “to celebrate” and “to prophesy”.

Then somebody asked me if I wanted to be conchair.  My response:

Take me now, Cthulhu! I couldn’t organize a bash at a brewery.

WordPress update

In a classic example of “You can’t get there from here” the WordPress upgrade is incompatible with my Mac OSX and keeps telling me to upgrade firefox.  By changing my settings to “fuck you”  I can still post but gosh, wouldn’t my life be better if it had fewer pieces of software in it?  Don’t all nod at once.

Buzz did not need a battery, he needed to be handled by Jeff, who touched him and returned him to noisiness.

What I’m doing

I’m plugging away on the DREFFLE BOOK OF CHRISTIAN APOLOGETICS, which is weird, weepy and reverential poetry that one of my ancestral kin put together.  It’s all handwritten; I either have to find it on line and copy paste, or type from scratch if the all knowing interwebs don’t find it. The end result is all of the poems in one big word file for mOm.  She says that the file has weird lumps in it (I’ve sent progress reports) but I think that’s because I’ve got the Mac and cheese version of Word.

Later today more housework.  Yesterday was the kitchen.  Today various other hell holes.

Buzz is sad and needs a new battery.  I went on line to find out how.  His manufacturer sucks a big fat ropey mop; the website contains no useful information.

I’m trying to improve my mood, to little effect.  The weather is gross.

Time for some coffee.





Katie got mad when I started yelling when I heard about it.  “That’s why I didn’t tell you!”  Nope, not allowed to get mad at poor little D, who gets in these moods when things aren’t going his way so he has to hit people.  Specifically de wimmens who have been injudicious enough to love him.

He assaulted Katie again about two weeks ago.  Today she’s going for a skull xray on the horrified insistence of her doctor.

Oh, and he threw all her stuff into an alley. A prince, a prize, a man among men.

D assaults women, and the internet is forever.  Here’s a little bit of his record, in case anybody missed it.  I also learned today that he has an Alias!  How Woo!


DOCKET INFO REMOVED but you can look it up if you have any interest.  Katie is afraid he’ll come after me…. Candidly I doubt it.

Wackdoodle Wednesday

Oh my.  There be lots of crazy for you this am.

This is a very special kind of Canadian crazy.

Ya gotta be effin kidding me.  Lady Liberty is a minion of Satan?

Star Wars Crafts?  Ok,

Put your hand over your crotch – gently.  Now open this link.

A life of infrequent contact with the police is not likely in the cards for this gent.

Fox – where mammon collides with art.


Tuesday’s terrific tracks through the intarwebs

The thing about higher chordates is how we can look similar.

Jesus!  Potentially toxic extremophile fungus in the dishwasher?

Playing with our food.

Not finding any food at all.

I keep finding reasons to want to go to Chicago.

I didn’t much like the article, but I enjoyed the illustration of proto writing.

Jesus! That’s a big statue.

Monday linky-lous

This is wonderful– a list of unlikely meetings.

Take your granny to the mall today. Remember, when it gets hot, you can prevent deaths by banging on the doors of your elderly neighbours and making sure they stay hydrated and cool.

Nancy the sheepherding …… chihuahua?

In keeping with the “Fuck, it’s hot” theme, today is the anniversary of the first day napalm was used on human beings.

This speech aligns well with my thinking about filk.

Jeff and I had a conversation about this the other day and thankfully he pulled the quote for me.

YAY!!!!! Google applies Boots of Buttkicking to Malware’s ass.

Jeff and I watched Dawkins on Darwin. Man, there are a lot of stupid people in the world.  I’m still having a hard time understanding exactly how people can tie themselves in the cognitive knots required to deny evolution.