octopi vancouver

Care package for the demo.  2 blankies, including a hand made quilt donated  mOm; batteries, a drum and a penny whistle and an egg shaker; two pairs of socks, a complete rain outfit men’s medium, a yoga mat, reusable tie wraps, a metal portable desk with paper, a granola bar, a nice name tag, and some other little things.

Brilliant day of sunshine!  Jeff’s coming too.


Shaddyr is the interfilk guest of honour at OVFF.  I am ‘assisting’ her with her concert, which means that either I shut up completely while she performs a song which needs no assistance, noodle on the mandolin, play guitar so she can really get into interpreting the song (also giving the carpals a break), or sing along with.

I talk about going to rehearse, but I haven’t said much about her, and I’d like to.  Mention should first be made that she is awesome… smart, big-hearted, hospitable, tolerant without being a pushover, funny without ever being mean-spirited, and an absolute joy to play with.  We haz fun, get better, and then there’s tea and talk.  Friday night rehearsals have come to mean a lot to me, and I’m very glad that after OVFF there’s my own concert to plan at Conflikt V because it means we’ll still have an excuse to plan.  Set list ahoy!

Interfaith Service for Homelessness Week.

The Baha’is brought food and readings.  Also, a lot of people from different ethnic groups.  The United Church people brought dance and music and prayers and guitars and beautiful wise children.  The Catholics brought a reading from Jack Layton and beautiful wise elders.  The Unitarians brought a reading from Edward Everett Hale.  The Anglicans brought a paraphrase of a Psalm.  The Sikhs brought tablas, harmonium, devotional prayers that just about pulled the heart of my body, and AWESOME FOOD. Rev Neil Fernyhough presided, and I cannot thank him enough for that brief little conversation we had at New West Pride that brought me to the most beautiful sacred space I’ve shared in a very long time.

Occupy Wall St extended quote

Alan Grayson: Now let me tell you what they’re talking about. They’re complaining about the fact that Wall Street wrecked the economy three years ago and nobody’s held responsible for that. Not a single person has been indicted or convicted for destroying twenty percent of our national net worth accumulated over the course of two centuries. They’re upset about the fact that Wall Street have iron control over the economic policies of this country, and that one party is a wholly owned subsidiary of Wall Street and the other party caters to them as well. That’s the real truth of the matter, as you said before. And…

PJ O’Rourke: Get the man a bongo drum, they’ve found their spokesman!

Alan Grayson: If I…

PJ O’Rourke: Get your shoes off, get a bongo drum, forget where to go to the bathroom, and it’s yours.

Alan Grayson: If I am the spokesman for all the people who think we should not have 24 million people in this country who can’t find a full time job, that we should not have 50 million people who can’t see a doctor when they’re sick, that we shouldn’t have 47 million people of this country who need government help in order to feed themselves, and we shouldn’t have 15 million families who owe more on their mortgage than the value of their home, okay, I’ll be that spokesman.

I always thought that PJ O’Rourke was a very amiable fascist.

Porker face or poker face

Never in my life have I had pork trigger a migraine as fast as it did last night.  It took two hours for the flashies to go away.  It was going to resolve in to a headache so I just went to bed.  I thank Tom and Peggy and their descendents and daughter in law for their LOVELY meal.  Ben made me a mint julep.  It was wonderful, but it perhaps also contributed to the migraine, I am not supposed to drink spirits.  Happy Turkey day everyone.

It was a perfect storm.  I didn’t sleep more than three hours, I had a homily, I didn’t eat a proper breakfast, I sat in the sun for an hour.  I had a meetup with someone, and then I had a large dinner with some pork in it.  Et voila, migraine.

Feel okay now though.


Noted feminist bell hooks on love

I always say that love is a combination of six things: Care, commitment, knowledge, responsibility, respect and trust. And it’s like baking a cake. You may have all five ingredients and miss one and so your cake isn’t going to happen. I think the majority of people in the United States have a lot of care in our lives, but we don’t always have a lot of love. I think it’s important to make that distinction, because you can care about somebody Monday through Friday and abuse them on Saturday. But in the practice of love, abuse is antithetical. You cannot love anyone and dominate them, hurt them, because once you’re doing that you’ve moved yourself out of love.