Dorothy Sayers 80 years ago

Allegra Sloman made this. Font is Bangla MN.

oh this next item made me so mad. A list of words you can’t use as an amazon employee on amazon work chat


these are words you can’t use in Amazon Chat. JFC (WHICH STANDS FOR JESUS FUCKING CHRIST.)

My replacement words  (you get the idea, also the above is truncated so some words are missing)

I nate


Thermal event

Sleeps with Ahnold


Play phrase




Sandstorm By Da

Consarn it

this is foolish

this is foolish

The Big Rock Candy Mountain

Red Alert


Beef stew


optimal staffing

Nicomachean or Eudemian


accessibility – antarctica

Vaccine – Jolene

Junior mints

Living wage  pin money

Representation – mouthpiece

Unfair – more mints, or too many mints






Exceedingly windy right now, I’m worried a bit about our travel plans

My head’s empty and my mood is blank. I have a ton of things to do before I leave.

Heard from Mike. It was good to hear his voice.

Heard from Paul. He was having trouble with the website that you have to fill out a form for in order to return to Canada. After I, like a fool, volunteered to help him I learned that I had to actually be logged in to the site which I couldn’t do, so I told him to go talk to Hank (where he’s a houseguest) about that. Hopefully he’ll make it home, the alternative is an enormous fine.

7623 words, quite a bit of ratchet editing; two kudos overnight. If the averages hold, that means that twenty people across the surface of the planet were reading my fanfic last night.

I really should pack, lol. The wind better die down or they’ll cancel the ferry.

I am cautiously pleased about the price I should be getting for some books.

thinking of John tonight, this is a drawing by Brooke…

another cat pic