Sundry & Various

I came home from work last night and Jeff had moved all of the boxes we moved on Sunday into the spare bedroom. I was a little off colour yesterday, I’m not precisely sure why, and I was very grateful not to have to physically move anything.  I’m still feeling ‘strange’ today but I think it’s yet another one of my ‘atypical’ migraines. Nothing like being told by a neurologist that you’re ‘atypical’…. as if I could be anything else.

In an explosion of efficiency and organization (his response when I said this, Ha!) Jeff has prepared a list of everything that needs to be done around here. We find the taps in the bathroom, both sets, to be a trial; the bathtub taps have a really unpleasant mushy feel as if you can never get them entirely open or shut; the vanity taps squeak in an astonishing way. He’s already fixed the kitchen tap, and he moved the freezer downstairs on the weekend and it’s now running (the landpeers said we could have a freezer in the laundry room and the downstairs neighbours can use it too if they like). Earlier in the week I finally passed along the box of coloured pencils to the little girl downstairs (whom I have heard but never seen…I gave them to her parents.) It felt weird to have hung on to some stuff of Katie’s for years after she’d stopped using it, and really good to give it to somebody who would use it. Now if I can just get rid of the rest of my crap, life would be a glorious thing.

Scratch made meatloaf and tater tots for dinner. Jeff bought commercial biscotti earlier this week and I laughed at him.

Spoke to Tom and Peggy last night. They will be coming early and leaving early for the party on Friday as they have another event to attend, but even seeing Peggy for two minutes would be lovely (mind you I am going to church for the next two Sundays to help with set up and take down so I’ll see her again soon). I also spoke to the Luddite and assured him that my friends and family would consider his sitting in a corner and reading a book for the entire duration of the party to be unworthy of comment or criticism, but I don’t think I managed to sell him on the idea of coming on Friday, and given that I haven’t laid eyes on him in the best part of a month… oh well. Saturday’s out as he has another engagement and I have to be out the door at hours ongodly for church on Sunday morning. Grr.

My mOm has FINALLY received the results of her followup tests, and everything looks fine. Having braced herself for bad news she’s feeling a little blah. Granny is now well enough to do her own shopping although she fatigues easily. When you’re pushing a century with a broom you’re allowed to get tired; I’m just amazed after her last horrid illness that she’s made the recovery she has, and I am thankful beyond words that my parents are doing such a great job of looking after her while she preserves what independence she can.

At some point I’m going to imitate Jeff and start making a list of the stuff I want to do around here, but I’m still in confusion and error mode, so it may be a while before I’m back on track.

I have a HUGE bolus of work to digest today after many weeks of prep, so I should get off this thing and go deal with it. Have a great day, everybody.

One last thing. I just read a restaurant review which contained the line “If I didn’t know better, I would have thought I’d ordered thin slices of mole poached in Ovaltine.” Bleaugh!

An ongoing education

It’s the damnedest thing, but living with Jeff is proving to be quite educational.  The dishwasher started groaning like the dog that guards the gates of hell, and Jeff said, “I think it’s the sensor.  Let’s clean it.”  I was dubious, but it worked fine after that.  I thought there’s not even 2 thou of soap scum on it, what difference would that make?  Amazing.

Gizmo sat on me for the first time on the weekend…. I forgot to mention that.  I didn’t even notice when he sat down, but that might have had something to do with just getting the moving finished and being slightly brain dead.

Every day I come home on the bus thinking foodlike thoughts – what shall I make us for dinner? …. tonight I’m thinking I want to stop off at Brentwood and get some salad fixin’s and taters to pair up with pork chops.  Then if I simply must start the box shifting magick.


Bad nooz…. Jarmo and the family is going to Whistler, so no fries.  I’m almost tempted to go buy a deep fryer, but maybe I’ll just find something equally dripping with fat.

My brain hurts

Rotating 4D hypercube.

I’m out of the old apartment and have turned in my keys.  I am getting my whole deposit back – less the carpet cleaning – so I am really happy and I called Katie to split it with her because it simply wouldn’t have happened without her. 

Now I have four evenings to entirely bust ass on unpacking, dejunking, orgalizing, and making canapés for Friday.  Yee haw!

faw down go boom

it ain’t all bad news

Somebody left a set of red figured velour drapes – like stage curtains – sitting in the square next to where I used to live.  I walked through them and thought of Chipper, as they sort of reminded me of puppet theater curtains….

Aw gone

So I’m out of the old place completely, and apart from swimming in a sea of crap – Jeff is being patient, because I know I have to disappear the crap before the party on Friday – I am feeling pretty good about it.

My good feelings are grounded in three events of yesterday – Katie’s efficient and tireless assistance in the packing, cleaning & moving, and the unpacking when I got here because of course I couldn’t hang around, I had to take the truck back instantly – watching this movie (highly recommended) as the three of us collapsed after I sponsored a meal over at the James Street Cafe – and Mike dropping by.  Supportive friends and family are part of what makes life worth living.

Anyway I’ve got half an hour to fetch laundry from downstairs and get clean and clothed, but at least me and all my clothes are in one place now!  Ack, down one person at work – can’t be late.

I don’t even feel too rough this morning, although I had a hard time getting off the couch last night!

Heave ho

I am still in shock about how much freaking junk I have.  I am so emotionally attached to my books that I’m sitting in the pile of boxes going, wah, wah instead of brutally tossing them.  I’ll be a lot happier when I’m done.  When I get rid of clothes I think “Off to Value Village with you!” and there isn’t a horrible feeling to go along with it.  Books are like little, immobile, rectangular friends, and you don’t just haul your friends off to the garbage.  I have Bookcrossing on some of my books but to do all of them would many days of labour, and so…. I guess they are off to storage.  Heavy sigh.

It freaking SNOWED here again last night.  I know that in late December a dusting of snow on the neighbourhood rooftops is all pine scent and lush orchestrations of cherished carols, but this close to the first of April methinks anything but peace and goodwill when it’s something I see before I’ve had any coffee.

Last night, I failed to cook dinner!  I made cheese scones, but I actually went to bed before sunset, woke briefly at 10:30, and then back to bed until ten after seven.  Moving is tiring; yesterday it was unpacking pretty solidly.  I did make lunch for the menfolks – Keith was here and how good to see him.


Made another long post this morning and lost it.  Loads o linky fun, o well.

Anyway, Dr Filk is coming to the housewarming party.  The True Party Trifecta is in play!!  Jarmo’s fries, Dr. John’s inimitable musical stylings, and Lexi’s tumtum.  wOOt.