I know I’m already in a good mood, but this made me howl!
Category: Nature
When my fans ask for more moose
Will you be touched by the tentacular appendage?
cheetah pooping through a sunroof
Bearly able to make it to hospital / cute
Never mind the debt bomb, here’s the really bad news
A death in the family / a dream
Carrie reports that her doggie Mabel has crossed the Rainbow Bridge. In response, all I could do was forward a copy of a Hallmark card poem that was on a card Lois (Paul’s youngest sister, a woman of uncommon charm, wit and sensitivity) sent me when Bounce died. If I had any clue who to credit this to, I would, but it’s copyright Hallmark Cards, card S81-4, and I post it because out of all the things you can say to a person whose animal just died, this poem does it the best I know of so far:
They will not go quietly,
the pets who’ve shared our lives.
In subtle ways they let us know
their spirit still survives.
Old habits still can make us
think we hear them at the door
Or step back when we drop
a tasty morsel on the floor
Our feet still go around the place
the food dish used to be,
and, sometimes, coming home at night,
we miss them terribly.
And although time may bring new friends
and a new food dish to fill,
That one place in our hearts
belongs to them….
and always will.
Last night I dreamed I was supposed to meet up with some people, and I trusted somebody else to get my bag. We got off the train (not the Skytrain, the subway in Toronto) and poof, no bag and everybody looking hangdog. I said, **** this noise, got back on the next train, figured out where to cross sides so I got on the train I’d just gotten off, and at the end of the car there was a big pile of unattended gym bags, and the first one I opened had my bag in it. There are a lot of messages in this dream, and on the whole I’m pleased with it.
Up at 4 – it’s now almost six and I’m about to pull cheese scones out of the oven. The aroma is now well-nigh overpowering. I put the last of the fresh basil in them. Sigh. It’s winter in Vancouver. The overcast has started, and it won’t lighten up until April. Time to hunker down and do some healthy baking. I found a recipe for home made power bars the other week and I should dig it out and start making them. And as for unhealthy baking, maybe this is the year I commercialize my biscotti? I’ve had lots of people tell me they’d pay for them.
Watch it with the sound off, because the music sucks
The video of bears scratching themselves is pretty damned funny, though,
Mr. Music’s dog deserves his own post. A border terrier, he possesses a very pronounced personality, he’s smarter than most people, and PRETTY. His coat is such a subtle combination of every colour from cream to dark cloud gray that I could stare at it for hours. When I walked into the apartment (a masterpiece of restrained visual energy, complete with an OMG afghan his mother knitted and some half finished half mannequins which are decorated with everything from decoupage to glued on jewels – one of them has a compartment carved out of her tummy which has a toy violin in it) all I could see were the balls. There are like a hundred tennis balls in the apartment; Scamp can’t seem to make up his mind which one he likes best.
He still has his puppy dog bed and refuses to sleep in anything else (except when he sleeps on his master’s bed of COURSE) and when he crashed out briefly (border terriers are ENERGETIC creatures) with his head hanging out he was so cute I got all squirmy.
Cat / lessons / good news
My mandolin teacher is what I’d look like if I had nicer hair and more of it, put on forty pounds and was 15 years older. She’s pretty stern. Fortunately she’s also pretty flexible, and I already know one additional chord, and have a LOT OF FREEEEKING HOMEWORK. Eddie, who normally ignores female visitors, came out and inspected the living hell out of her, including trying to get under her skirt. It was quite a performance.
Work continues to have the worst kind of oil, being turm-oil, but I have laid to rest most of my anxieties and concerns. There’s still a lot of thrashing around, and I have to move desks for the first time in years, but other than that things are slowly returning to normal, or whatever the new normal is. When you’ve been through a great deal, you get punchy.
Squirrel mom vs curious dog. Hint, squirrel FTW.
Tuna salad bowl for dinner last night. Jeff does NOT like the little red cheeses; they are responsible for him wanting to bail on dairy entirely. Ha, what, no ice cream? I made enough tuna salad for two meals, and that’s exactly what Katie did, made two meals out of it. She apparently didn’t want to get out of bed yesterday morning (she was at Daxus’) and he forced her out, coffee in hand, saying, “Yer mom’ll kill me if you don’t go to school.” That he would even pretend to care about my opinion cheered me no end. Please note, I am not for killing anybody, although there are about six people I’d like to personally spank, and about a hundred I would like to be paid to verbally humiliate. I’m so good at it I really oughta get paid. But of course, there’s no room at the standup inn. Oooh, speaking of Standup, anybody see Marg Cho’s Christian rant? Most amusing!
Katie K has sold her condo. This is awesome awesome news, and it made me very happy when I heard it.
I have to pack up my desk today, which means basically that I have to throw a lot of crap out.
I really like Jeff’s kitties, but I wish they were more affectionate. I just want a kitty to curl up on me once in a while. Like dis.
Ashokan Farewell and who let the bear out
Cousin Gerald, because he appears to have MIND READING on his resume, sent me the MP3 of Jay Ungar’s version of Ashokan Farewell, which is from the soundtrack of the Civil War documentary I’ve been watching.
I publicly express my weeping gratitude! It’s also meaningful to me because the folks at Jericho Beach Folk Club play it for every ingathering, so it’s already familiar to me.
Chipper THANKS for this… Who let the bear out? Adventures in animal release…..
I just learned that Ashokan Farewell was written by Jay Ungar, who played it on the soundtrack, so it’s one of those ‘contemporary trad’ tunes, like the kind Dr. Filk likes so much.
From Unca Barry
Don’t know where Chipper found this
But a more entertaining confluence of bloggability has rarely been found. Moose! Comics! Satire! Politics!