Lots of links

I have watched

all of this – Time lapse from an aircraft – make it full screen and turn up the audio.

The first ten minutes of this parkour video.

None of this. I intend to as it comes highly recommended by Kottke.org and John A at work.


All of this self assembling robot video.

I read everything on this flowchart of US unemployment.

And I wonder who put the kittens on the Roomba.

Yes – I posted that link twice.

And then my head exploded

SINCE I don’t know which of the two links I posted originally to this time stamp was a problem I’m taking them both down.

The first link was to an article by Marcus Chown – who, when I follow his google trail sounds like He Do the Science in Different Voices. If you google Marcus Chown Holographic, you will find the article.

Essentially, there is now a small amount of experimental support for the notion that everything we are, see, etc, is a holographic projection.  Where string theory and quasars fits in with this I have no idea.  I am just a meat machine, and my thinky thoughts sometimes are not well parsed.

Brain test

I just took a test at testmybrain.org.

The tests were for forward digital span, multiple object memory, abstract art memory, face memory and verbal paired associates.  I was above average for everything except word pairs.

Forward digital span, 9 (out of possible 11)

Multiple object memory 22 (out of possible 25)

Abstract art 24 (out of possible 25)

Face Memory 14 (out of possible 15)

Word pairs 14 (out of possible 25)

This is oddly comforting to me.  I feel like maybe I not so dumb as all that.