3 thoughts on “Mike at Baumfest”

  1. The lighting is magical. Plaudits to Dalai Jarmo. The subject ain’t bad either.

  2. This was likely after I went to bed. There’s a subtle dig at myself in this picture; that’s my guitar, and I still haven’t recovered it from last weekend!

    I don’t know how Mike is going to feel about being referred to as ‘not bad’ my my mOm, though; depending on his mood he’ll either rail at me or burst out laughing.

    I have decided, after sober second consideration, and after viewing this picture, that I don’t want to do any of the things I was considering doing when I got the funds from the house, which ranged wildly from botox and fat farms to quitting work and travelling. Nope, I’m going to get more musical instruments, as my creativity is really the only unique thing about me, and botox won’t help that. But a new musical instrument always does!

  3. If I came into some money, I’d like to completely landscape my backyard including a salt water pool AND invite people over for a leasurely afternoon. Oh, and I want one of those floating chairs, so I can sit out there and read a book.

    I’d like to look 20 again, but no amount of plastic surgery is going to do that, I’m afraid of Botox (it sounds like a poison). Is anyone watching the latest on-TV love match the 20-year and 40-year olds vie for marriage with an eligible bachelor.

    I’d probably travel to different ski hills and buy a condo at the best one.

    Allegra, I hope you get your guitar back! Also, I disagree Allegra, you simply are unique — it’s not just your creativity.

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