sundry, various, other

Transit to work has improved greatly over the last week or so; now if I catch the 10:30 bus I’m at work ten minutes early, so that’s one slick commute.

We got a little snow early Sunday morning but it’s mostly gone now.

In about half an hour I’m going to nuke up my leftovers from this morning’s brekkie at IHOP, thank you Jeff! I’ve also started taking in my own cocoa powder to work; I make it up with skim milk powder so it reminds me of the dishwater cocoa we used to get served at lunch when we were kids in Ottawa.

Some fun at the Oscars! I never watch, but announcing the wrong movie winning is pretty effed up. And Bill Pullman is dead, cue the Game Over Man jokes <<<<< bad joke it's really Bill Paxton. He was only a couple of years older than me, so that's just crappy all around. All my laundry is done! Now to put it away, which seems to be the part I never can do. Otto is looking at me reproachfully. But I am working seriously on edits, and I've finished part 1 of Upsun, and will continue to hack away at it tonight.

turning the boat

I have ceased writing dreffle fanfic (although I know that I need another 35K to finish the story arc and it’s plotted out and there will be a rousing finale during which the estrangement between the bros will be all fixed), and have written the first 575 words of Honey on the Moon, the log and journal of the Ungainly Potato, an Upsun story. I have also edited a substantial chunk (first 100 pages) of Upsun. So I should just barely meet my end of February deadline for Upsun, we’ll see.

Then I huck it over to Jeff, who’ll post it for me, and then we’ll do another round of emails and try to sell that one too. I’ve already had two people tell me they’re waiting for it with anticipation.

70k words

Well, since I’m never going to make a dime on any of that smutty Supernatural fanfic, I am officially going to shut that sh*t down and edit. When ten different people ask me to start writing more fic I will; until then I’ll just jot down story ideas and concentrate on my own crap.

No memorial. Paul says there are no flights and its 1200 bucks minimum to fly out in the window I have at very short notice, so it’s not happening.

I am really sorry that I can’t go, but Dave and Paul and I all agree that a longer visit after the memorial service would be better.

Jeff and I are going to add some stuff to k-side. Anybody got any suggestions?

Word count

In the grip of graphomania, again, but at least I’m working on paying projects again. Tangled Angels is up to 32K words so I need to grind through another 25K to be at book length.
Posted 18K of Destiel fic. I’m so ashamed, but I still have to own it. That last episode, though, really kicked queerbaiting up several notches. I’m ashamed to be a fan, I truly am.

Here’s an interesting take on US politics.

Ain’t nobody’s business if I do

There are few things more entertaining than having a former lover sniffing around and being able to repel boarders (so to speak), and unworthy thoughts of weakening into “Well mebbe just this once” territory, with a well timed “So have your girlfriend call me and we’ll thrash out the poly thing while you aren’t in the room!”


Doesn’t take much.

I’m thinking of having HOLD FAST tattooed on my knuckles, but only long enough to envision what pOp would say, and nope.

sleepy boy

So yesterday I pulled my tarot ‘day card’ at midnight, as one does when one works the graveyard shift, and it was ‘The World’. And so I immediately thought this:

Mark 8:36 King James Version (KJV)

36 For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?

And then I thought, what is my soul?

And the answer came, “My family.”

And I realized I hadn’t seen Alex in a month (or it seems so) and burst into tears.

I came home and watched the Expanse with Jeff, and then burst into tears again and said I have to see him.

So I did.

I came in the door and he ran up to it, grinning and nodding, starkers, because he was about to get in the bath with mom.

I was overcome by tiredness and Katie said lie down on the big bed and sleep, and then she brought Alex, made sleepy by his bath, to lie next to me.

And we took a nap together for 2.5 hours, and at one point I whispered to him that he would be warmer if he cuddled with me, and he said “Yuh” and launched himself at me, but I turned my head and so he didn’t break my nose. He woke up snuffling and crying a couple of times and because Zizi was there he could settle down again.

I don’t ever want it to go that long again without seeing him. I was in physical pain, like glass was breaking in my chest.

Thanks Katie and Alex, you refilled my ‘heart bucket’.

I just took toilet paper to Psych Emerg because the two count’em two HK staff didn’t think an hour old stat page was worth their attention. I fully expect to get into trouble about this, and if I do, I’m going to go back to psych emerg and tell them I got shit for it, and then I’ma buy popcorn.

For I know, since I clear their cache for them, that both the full time staffers on days and afternoons are looking hard like hard hard for better work. Disciplinary measures never looked so good in prospect. Like I said. Popcorn.

Editing progresses. I think, after all this Supernatural fanfic (I’ve written 50K words since the middle of January…. insane, right??) it’s time I quit trying to pull someone else’s canoe to shore.

Some kind soul left a box of jalebi in the cafeteria and in a shameful show of carnal weakness I absconded with one. But only one. Hand to god, only one.

weather whither

Commute into work tonight was horrific; I arrived, 7 minutes late and as cold as a damp grave, after leaving the house literally an hour early. Translink, which had been faithfully waking me up every fifteen minutes with pings on my phone about cancelled buses, had fallen silent so I assumed, entirely wrongly, that the buses were now running. Anyway, stood in the freezing rain for a long fucking time before a bus came, and got to watch people behave like arrestable idiots on Canada Way.

Shoveled the walkways before I left for work; if the snow stays snow I’ll have to do it again when I get home; if the rain comes it will depend whether the temperature stays above freezing or not. More salt must be purchased; this is obviously not going to be the last snow of the year, since the arctic outflow conditions over the balance of the winter will only too swiftly return….

Why I love my daughter

I will admit that of late my thoughts have not been entirely kindly toward Katie, as I am still quite miserable about what happened with the store, and have not yet learned to let go of it. However, there are times I love her fiercely, and today she provided an easily parsed example of why.

She posted pictures of playing in the snow with her little family. Alex and Dax and her. And the next post was Bill Nye offering another defence of women’s rights, in the form of reproductive rights.

Yeah. Fierce girl, fierce.

Sneers with scorn

So Nick Kouvalis got himself kicked off Kelly Leitch’s campaign, only to have John Tory, Mayor of Toronto, spring to his defense?  Bleaugh. I mocked him on twitter and then he got fired, but I don’t think the two events are connected.  If they are, go me. Just so’s you know, I support Maxime Bernier, who has a sense of humour without being a complete er gendered slur.

I referred to Kellyanne Conway as a bonebag.  Go me.

Breaking up is hard to do, once you’re yoked to the Feds, or maybe not.

I’m sleeping TOO MUCH.  Having to shovel snow every fucking time I’m awake prob’ly has something to do with this. Now it’s time to eat my dinner at the office.

As soon as this flurry of work settles down I’ll be editing book#2 for the last pass prior to epublication.



I posted the first para on fb, now look what my friends said.

I have now learned what happens when you put bubble tea in the fridge overnight, and I have a big first world sad. The tapioca pearls become tasteless rabbit pellets of regret.

Kevin M said:  Yuck

Shane said :  Rabbit pellets of regret. BAHAHAHAHAH!
Diane said: Become?
Allegra Sloman said : I swear it was translucent and looked like fairy snot not six hours ago.
Andi said: And that was….better???

Juliana said:  Personally, I think it starts out that way but YMMV.
Andi said: I don’t drink lumpy drinks.

Debbie said: Man, you kill me, Allegra.

Lynn said: Interesting. I tried making bubble tea at home and wound up with a pot of lumpy tapioca paste (and no, I did not use the microwave!).

Janice said: Oh! That’s what regret tastes like!

Allegra said: Believe me, regret has *many* flavors.

Kevin said: I’ll have the rabbit pellets of regret please. Unless the leftover stir fry of soggy disappointment is on special

Lois said: Leftover stir fry of soggy disappointment……..Yum!

Erin said: That’s the best thing I’ve read all day!

Miles Vorkosigan said:  The Tasteless Rabbit Pellets of Regret is now the name of my Robin Thicke cover band.