Settler words&music in S'ólh Téméxw, ( living where privilege meets precarity in MST country. she/her/they———– Novels: Midnite Moving Co., Upsun; Sweep Off Those Waves coming soon, Hair Sinister after that. —Restore All Indigenous Lands!
pictures from a while back (more of the same)
Still Life with Meccano and Human Hair.Kira, the cat at Planet Bacheloraffectionate lionsKatie and Ziva in a characteristic poseSpace Station at Miniature WorldPatricia’s bathroom floorA zombie like the old manJohn Caspell at Anarchist MountainMargot in a boxFamily meal with Bonnie that restaurant isn’t there any moreexcuse me, WHO lives at Arundel Mansions?
Done up steampunk for VConKatie, blue filter, Deer Lake ParkMe n Simon Fraser, two colonizing bastards
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Born when atmospheric carbon was 316 PPM. Settled on MST country since 1997. Parent, grandparent.
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