Kintec washout

Went to Kintec Surrey for my appointment and they looked all sad and said I hadn’t gotten the right kind of appointment (in the email form I SAID I NEEDED NEW CUSTOM ORTHOTICS) and after they made me sit around for five minutes TO MAKE A NEW APPOINTMENT I got up and left. I won’t go into detail about the wretched driving experience to get there, but I hit nothing and nothing hit me.

I won’t go back to Surrey. My hour long appointment is for June 26th at 4 pm. and since I found out they now have an office in Burnaby I’ll go there instead.


Juneteenth 2020

My Juneteenth will include the words of N.K. Jemisin to stretch my mind, the music of Satchmo for joy, and a donation for the Hogan’s Alley Society because Vancouver paved over and destroyed a black neighbourhood to make the fucking Georgia Viaduct, and promised restitution and reconciliation two years ago, and has done nought.

It's a beautiful day to arrest the cops that murdered Breonna Taylor
It’s a beautiful day to arrest the cops that murdered Breonna Taylor
Harriet Tubman