up late

I’m awake because as far as I can tell, the other kidney (left) is hocking a loogie into my plans. This is more abdominal pain than the other side and of course I’m no longer sleeping soundly. I couldn’t even climb the stairs at the end of the viewing day last night, just crashed on the couch. I woke up around 11 and it’s been heavy sledding ever since.

I’m going to doze for the rest of the night when I can – this hurts a fair amount without currently feeling life threatening – and talk to Jeff about next steps in the morning.


l8r – pain lasted until about 5 when I got a little more sleep — it’s now 8 am and I feel gross but the pain has lifted

l8r – it’s 11 am and we just went for a 1k walk in the warm and pleasant sun. I feel bruised but micturation and ambulation are both much improved